Dr Mercola : Bark & Whiskers™ Complete Probiotics [美國著名大廠直送,需預訂,預計14個工作天後到港]



Formerly Dr. Mercola Healthy Pets, our reinvented line, Bark & Whiskers™, brings the same veterinarian-formulated products you know and love with a touch of playfulness – because who says wholesome health can’t be fun? 前身為 Dr. Mercola 健康寵物系列,現我們重新打造的Bark&Whiskers™系列,帶來了您熟悉且喜愛的獸醫配方產品,並加入了一點趣味性-因為誰說健康就不能有趣味性呢? Continue taking the lead in your pet’s health with Bark & Whiskers™ Complete Probiotics, a fan favorite product that supports gastrointestinal health with 38 billion CFU of beneficial bacteria from 14 carefully selected strains. These health-promoting strains survive stomach acid to reach your dog’s or cat’s small intestine, unlike some acidophilus-based products. Bark&Whiskers™ Complete Probiotics繼續寵物健康方面保持領先地位,,這是一款受到粉絲喜愛的產品,其中包含380億CFU的有益細菌,來自14種精心選擇的菌株,支持腸道健康。這些有益健康的菌株可以在胃酸的環境下存活,達到您的狗或貓的小腸,而不像一些以嗜酸乳桿菌為基礎的產品。 Our exceptional formula helps support: 我們出色的配方有助於支持: - A healthy balance of gut bacteria by promoting the optimal environment for the growth of beneficial bacteria. - 促進有益細菌的生長,維持腸道細菌平衡的健康環境。 - The production of enzymes and lactic acid for healthy digestive processes and colon pH balance. - 生產酵素和乳酸,維持健康的消化過程和大腸pH平衡。 - Healthy, normal immune system function. - 健康,正常的免疫系統功能。 - The production of important hormones that influence mood, such as serotonin, and B vitamins, especially folic acid, biotin and vitamin K. - 生產影響情緒的重要激素,如血清素,以及B族維生素,特別是葉酸,生物素和維生素K。 - Healthy, normal metabolism and detoxification processes. - 健康,正常的新陳代謝和排毒過程。 - Regularity and appropriate bowel transit time. - 規律性和適當的腸道排便時間。

Maklumat produk



At a Glance



  • Research shows certain probiotic strains offer far-reaching benefits for dogs and cats, including immune function support and positive changes in emotional health and behavior due to stress.
  • Each scoop of Bark & Whiskers™ Complete Probiotics provides your cat or dog with 38 billion CFU gut-friendly bacteria from 14 carefully selected strains known to survive stomach acidity and reach the small intestine, where they are most beneficial.
    每勺Bark&Whiskers™ Complete Probiotics都含有380億CFU的腸道友好菌,來自14種精心選擇的菌株,這些菌株已知可以在胃酸的環境下存活,達到最有益的小腸。
  • Unlike some other pet probiotic supplements, our formula is manufactured to prevent heat, air and moisture from damaging or destroying delicate organisms, yet does not require refrigeration.

Digestive and bowel issues remain two of the top reasons for veterinarian visits.


While research on the use of probiotics for cats and dogs for these types of issues has existed for decades, they’ve long been scorned by the traditional veterinary community. The mere mention of probiotics was often disregarded as ineffective or a waste of money.


That said, increasing numbers of traditional veterinarians are now coming around to recognizing the value of probiotics. Research is expanding regarding their potential, and their potential benefits are no longer restricted to gut and digestive health.


It’s truly an exciting time for probiotics for our fur-covered family members.


If your pet is one of the many who still isn’t enjoying the many benefits that probiotics offer, take a moment to find out more about these very unique gut-friendly bacteria.


You may become pleasantly surprised at how they might make a difference in not only your pet’s total-body health but his emotional well-being and behavior as well.





The Traditional Role of Probiotics for Gut and Bowel Health



So, what exactly are probiotics and how do they work? Probiotics are living microorganisms, or gut-friendly beneficial bacteria, that are selected according to their usefulness in either humans or animals.


Interestingly enough, the strains of bacteria that offer benefits for cats and dogs aren’t always the same strains for humans.


Researchers are still learning about how probiotics work. They believe these living microorganisms may replenish and regulate the microflora, or gut bacteria, in your pet's intestinal tract as a source of digestive enzymes – and they’re convinced probiotics have a supportive effect on the immune system.


No matter how they work, probiotics promote a number of health-supporting functions, which has traditionally included digestion and bowel health.


Probiotics were discovered in the early 1900s by Russian Nobel Laureate Eli Metchnikoff when he connected the Lactobacillus organism in fermented milk with longevity in the people who consumed it. Metchnikoff advised consuming fermented milk for gastrointestinal (GI) and bowel health.

益生菌在1900年代初由俄羅斯諾貝爾獎得主 Eli Metchnikoff 發現,當時他將發酵牛奶中的Lactobacillus有機體與長壽的人相連接。Metchnikoff 建議食用發酵牛奶來維持腸道和腸道健康。

Research confirms that probiotics can support a pet’s healthy digestive processes. A study of 16 Beagles found that adding beneficial bacteria to their diet improved fat and carbohydrate digestibility in the gut, as well as stool quality.


Probiotics have been proven safe and effective for promoting total gastrointestinal health. And a healthy GI system allows your pet to maximize his optimum health and well-being, no matter what life stage he’s in.


In fact, supporting your pet's GI health is key to him living his longest and healthiest life possible.


For all these reasons, traditional veterinarians are finally agreeing that probiotics may offer benefits for cats and dogs.





The Expanding Usefulness of Probiotics for Pets



Aside from probiotics’ recognized benefits for gastrointestinal health, researchers are confirming exciting new potential for these living microorganisms.


A growing body of human and animal research suggests probiotics may offer additional benefits for many aspects of health, including:


  • Maintaining a healthy, normal body weight and composition.
  • Supporting healthy immune function.
  • Promoting healthy blood sugar levels and normal glucose tolerance.
  • Supporting liver health.
  • Promoting a normal, healthy inflammatory response.
  • Supporting skin health.
  • Promoting a normal response to allergens.
  • Supporting healthy, normal blood lipid levels.
  • Promoting a healthy growth rate in puppies.
  • Helping to reduce stress and support a calm, relaxed mood.

Dogs and cats need the beneficial bacteria found in probiotics to help maintain healthy levels of friendly bacteria in their guts. When you supplement your pet’s diet with probiotics that flood his system with the right strains of beneficial bacteria, you’re supporting his total-body health.


In a study to evaluate the effects of probiotics on feline gut health, researchers selected 10 healthy adult Maine Coon cats and gave half of them Lactobacillus acidophilus.

在一項評估益生菌對貓腸道健康影響的研究中,研究人員選擇了10只健康的成年緬因橙貓,並給其中一半Lactobacillus acidophilus。

During the five-week trial, fecal firmness and moisture levels were evaluated – assessments considered a good measure of an animal’s gut health. The cats in the probiotic group showed higher quality stools with greater levels of L. acidophilus, an indication that the probiotic supplement was having the desired effect.

在為期五週的試驗中,評估了糞便的硬度和濕度水平-這些評估被認為是動物腸道健康的良好評估指標。益生菌組的貓顯示具有更高質量的糞便和更高水平的L. acidophilus,這表明益生菌補充劑產生了期望的效果。

Probiotics can help support your pet’s digestion, nutrient absorption, immune function, overall health and possibly, even his emotional well-being.




Probiotics: A Powerful Ally for a Healthy Immune System



When bacteria eat fiber, they produce short chain fatty acids (SCFAs). Acetate, butyrate and propionate are the three key SCFAs in your pet’s body.


SCFAs can remain in your pet’s large intestine, or they can travel throughout the body, where they play important roles in immune and overall health, including:


  • Feeding beneficial bacteria and promoting their growth.
  • Helping with the absorption of nutrients.
  • Promoting metabolic health and healthy, normal glucose levels.
  • Supporting the formation of the protective mucus layer in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Promoting healthy cells in the gut lining.
  • Supporting the growth of T cells in the immune system.

A full 80% of your pet’s immune system resides in her gut, so a bacteria population that is both diverse and rich in beneficial organisms is of prime importance for not only her immune health but also her total body health.


Plentiful diverse bacteria in your pet’s gut can act almost like a security blanket against insults from stress, poor diet, aging and environmental toxins. The more beneficial bacteria she has, and of many different strains, the better for your pet.




How Probiotics Can Help Stressed-Out Pets



Just like humans, your pet encounters emotional and physiological stresses every day – and every one of these stresses can potentially affect her GI tract.


Your pet’s GI tract is the largest immune organ in her body and is home to an extremely large population of bacteria. In fact, these microorganisms greatly outnumber the other cells in your pet’s body.


Because your pet’s gut, or microbiome, is your pet’s largest immune barrier, it also bears the brunt of all the stress she encounters, whether real or perceived.


It doesn’t take much to upset the delicate balance of good bacteria in your pet’s microbiome. Stress and emotional upset certainly affects it. Plus, everything from eating sticks and grass to changes in diet when you’re apart can, too.


Add to that highly processed pet food diets and you can quickly understand why supporting your pet's immune system, healthy digestion and overall good health is so important.


In one study, researchers evaluated the value of probiotic supplements for stress-related digestive and bowel issues in 134 healthy dogs who were moved from their homes to a kennel. Relocation and kenneling are both very stressful events for dogs and can affect a dog’s physiology and behavior.


Groups of dogs received either a placebo containing no probiotic or varying levels of an oral probiotic supplement containing Bifidobacterium animalis once a day for five weeks prior to relocation to the kennel and then, for the first three weeks following relocation.

狗分為兩組,一組接受不含益生菌的安慰劑,另一組在搬到狗舍前五週每天接受一次含有Bifidobacterium animalis的口服益生菌補充劑,然後在搬到狗舍後的前三周繼續補充。

Researchers looked at fecal scores, number of stools per day, microbial populations in the stool and serum cortisol levels, which measure the impact of stress on the body.


With the groups receiving Bifidobacterium animalis, there were positive effects seen with all variables, including optimal stool production and improved quality of stools. The higher the dose of probiotic, the better the results.

在接受Bifidobacterium animalis的組別中,所有變量都表現出積極的影響,包括最佳的糞便產量和改善的糞便質量。益生菌的劑量越高,效果越好。



Can Probiotics Help Emotional and Behavioral Issues?



Another study of 24 Labrador Retrievers looked at how beneficial bacteria can help with emotional and behavioral changes. Healthy dogs exhibiting stressed and anxious behaviors were divided into two groups: a placebo group and a study group that received the supplemental probiotic strain Bifidobacterium longum.

另一項研究對24隻拉布拉多獵犬進行了研究,觀察有益細菌如何幫助緩解情感和行為變化。表現出緊張和焦慮行為的健康狗分為兩組:一組接受安慰劑,另一組接受補充益生菌菌株Bifidobacterium longum的研究組。

For the first six weeks of the study, half of the dogs received the probiotic supplement and the other half received the placebo with no probiotics. During weeks seven through nine, none of the dogs received probiotics. Then the original group receiving Bifidobacterium longum resumed supplementation for the final six weeks of the study.

在研究的前六周,一半的狗接受益生菌補充劑,另一半接受不含益生菌的安慰劑。在第七至第九周,所有狗都不接受益生菌補充劑。然後,原本接受Bifidobacterium longum的組別在研究的最後六周恢復補充。

Researchers evaluated behaviors such as barking, spinning, pacing, panting and trembling, as well as the dogs’ cortisol levels and heart rate to determine stress levels.


An astonishing 90% of the dogs receiving the probiotic supplement showed a reduction in the troubling behaviors and other signs of stress.


I believe the results from this study and others confirms the value of probiotics for pets, especially those coming from a shelter or rescue.


This probiotic strain may also be particularly helpful for animals who experience or are overly sensitive to stressful events in their lives and display behaviors related to noise phobias, separation anxiety, excessive vocalization and house soiling.


How can probiotics help make such a difference in psychological well-being and behavior, you might wonder?


Experts believe the all-important gut-brain axis may be involved – the two-way connection between your pet’s GI tract and brain. When you nourish your pet’s microbiota, or gut flora, with beneficial bacteria, that can also support his mood.


All of these studies looked at the effects of only one strain of beneficial bacteria. What if you combined them and offered multiple strains of dog- and cat-friendly probiotics – at the same time?




Why 10 or More Probiotic Strains Are Preferred



If you're like other pet owners, you may have wondered how many different probiotic strains does your pet really need?


Research suggests that 10 or more strains are recommended for promoting optimal health.


Why is that? The more beneficial strains the probiotic contains, the better able the formula can help your pet handle the wide variety of stressors that can affect your pet's gastrointestinal system.


In the studies I talked about, certain strains worked better than others for specific circumstances. So, by combining them, your pet can receive all the potential benefits of probiotics.


The potency of the probiotic – or the CFU (Colony Forming Units) – is very important, too. Knowing how many viable organisms per scoop provides a useful guide as to its potential.

益生菌的效力 - 或CFU(菌落形成單位) - 也非常重要。知道每勺可行微生物數量提供了有用的指南,來評估它的潛力。

So, even if your probiotic contains numerous strains of beneficial bacteria, you need to make sure it also contains a sufficient number of bacteria, or CFU, per scoop.


It’s not uncommon for products today to contain between one and three million beneficial bacteria per scoop. Any amount of probiotics can be helpful, but if you really want to make sure you're promoting optimal health and well-being, I recommend much higher levels.


Ideally, I believe you’ll want to find a probiotic formula with more than 30 billion CFU per scoop.


An Inside Look at the Top-Selling Pet Probiotic Supplements


Some commercial pet foods claim that they contain probiotics. But do they really?


The bacteria in a probiotic supplement must be live and able to reproduce in your pet’s gut to be effective.


Commercial pet foods are processed using high heat, so it only makes sense that most, if not all, of the probiotic bacteria added to a food will be killed off during processing.


So, what about probiotic supplements? Are they worth your money? It depends…


Let’s take a look at five of the top-selling pet probiotic products online:


(Product / No. of CFU / No. of Probiotics Strains)

(產品 / CFU數量 / 益生菌菌株數量)

  1. Product A / 3 Billion CFU / 10
  2. Product B / 3 Billion CFU / 6
  3. Product C / 1 Billion CFU / 1
  4. Product D / 未有透露 / 5
  5. Product E / 6 Billion CFU / 4

As you can see, only one product contained the recommended number of 10 strains. The most CFU of any product listed was 6 Billion – and one didn’t even disclose theirs.


If a product manufacturer doesn’t tell you how many CFUs their product provides, be very suspicious. And if they do make a CFU claim, ask if it is guaranteed – and for how long. Anyone can make a claim, but they must be able to back it up.


Indeed, a recent study revealed that probiotics don’t always live up to their claims. Testing more than 20 types of probiotics, researchers found numerous instances of inconsistencies:


  • Presence of microorganisms not included on the product label
  • Contamination with mold or other foreign substances
  • Did not contain any live bacteria organisms (therefore, not a probiotic)
  • Misspelled the names of bacteria strains on the label
  • Misidentified the bacteria with outdated names and/or "nonexistent" strains
  • Did not include the number of live bacteria that could be expected to be contained based on the expiration date

While some of the above issues are clearly more serious than others, they all indicate a problem with the manufacture’s quality control.


With something as important as probiotics, you want to make sure you are getting the real thing – and not contaminated with something you don’t want. You need to be able to trust what's inside the bottle. For that, you must be able to trust the manufacturer.

對於像益生菌這樣重要的事物,您需要確保您正在得到真正的產品 - 而不是被您不需要的東西污染。如您相信標識裡的內容,您必須能夠信任製造商。



5 Criteria for Choosing a Pet Probiotic Supplement



I recommend the following five criteria when selecting a probiotic product for your cat of dog. It should:


  1. Be guaranteed to contain enough live organisms to colonize your pet’s GI tract.
  2. Be able to survive the acidic environment of your pet’s stomach and the bile salts present in the upper intestine to reach the lower, or large, intestine.
  3. Contain bacteria strains beneficial for pets, not people.
  4. Be stable under normal storage conditions as levels of oxygen, moisture and storage temperatures can affect the viability of the bacteria
  5. Be palatable and easy to give to your dog or cat.

Because researchers have identified the microbial makeup of a healthy dog’s intestinal tract, we know exactly what’s needed in a probiotic product – and where it provides optimal benefits. Total microbial load is low in the stomach and increases along the path of the GI tract.


The greatest diversity and number of bacteria are found in the small and large intestines, especially your pet’s colon. This is why it’s so important for a probiotic supplement to be able to pass through your pet’s stomach and upper intestine, unharmed by harsh stomach and bile acids or salts.


If the strains used in a formula aren’t resistant to low pH conditions and bile salts, your pet may not receive the benefits you’re hoping for.




 Bark & Whiskers™ Complete Probiotics Exceeds All 5 Criteria

Bark & Whiskers™ 完整益生菌產品符合所有5個標準。


Bark & Whiskers™ Complete Probiotics meets all five criteria – and more.

Bark & Whiskers™ 完整益生菌產品滿足所有五項標準,甚至更多。

Each scoop of our formula provides a minimum of 38 billion beneficial bacteria from 14 powerful dog- and cat-friendly probiotic strains when used by the expiration date printed on the package.

我們的配方每勺提供至少 380億個益生菌,來自14種強大並適用於貓狗的寵物益生菌菌株,並將有效日期印刷於包裝上。

In fact, we even guarantee it.


That’s a far cry from the top five selling pet probiotic products I just told you about that contained 6 Billion CFU or less from only a handful of strains. And not necessarily guaranteed, either.


Our Bark & Whiskers™ Complete Probiotics is manufactured in a facility that has received the international certification for meeting or exceeding Good Manufacturing Practices, or GMP, requirements.

我們的 Bark & Whiskers™ 完整益生菌產品是在獲得國際認證的製造廠生產的,符合或超過良好製造規範(GMP)的要求。

GMP regulations require that a manufacturer take proactive steps to help ensure their product is safe, potent, and pure, and that their manufacturing process is technologically adequate to avoid contaminations or errors.


And unlike other probiotics, Bark & Whiskers™ Complete Probiotics contains 14 different strains that are known to be useful for both cats and dogs, providing 6.6 Million CFU to 3.3 Billion CFU per scoop:

與其他益生菌不同的是,Bark & Whiskers™ 完整益生菌產品含有14種不同的菌株,這些菌株已知對貓和狗都有用,每勺提供660萬CFU到33億CFU的量:


  1. Bifidobacterium lactis (3.3 Billion CFU) – Known to help support a healthy immune response, plus is resistant to low pH and bile acids.
    Bifidobacterium lactis(33億CFU)-已知有助於支持健康的免疫反應,並對低pH值和膽汁酸有抵抗力。
  2. Lactobacillus acidophilus (3.3 Billon CFU) – Supports the health of your pet's digestive tract and immune system, and promotes the growth of immune cells.
    Lactobacillus acidophilus(33億CFU)-支持寵物的消化道和免疫系統健康,並促進免疫細胞的增長。
  3. Bifidobacterium longum (3.3 Billion CFU) – Supports proper digestion and bowel health, along with supporting behavior and mood by working on the gut-brain axis.
    Bifidobacterium longum(33億CFU)-支持正確的消化和腸道健康,並通過腸腦軸調節腸道微生物群來支持行為和情緒。
  4. Bifidobacterium bifidum (3.3 Billion CFU) – Helps promote a healthy balance of flora in your pet's intestines and supports a normal immune response.
    Bifidobacterium bifidum(33億CFU)-幫助促進寵物腸道菌群的平衡,並支持正常的免疫反應。
  5. Lactobacillus casei (3.3 Billion CFU) – Works with other helpful organisms to encourage the growth of other "good" bacteria. It lives in the mucus membrane in cats and dogs, and it’s a key part of the gut-brain axis for supporting mood.
    Lactobacillus casei(33億CFU)-與其他有益菌一起工作,促進其他“好”細菌的生長。它生活在貓和狗的黏膜層中,是支持情緒的腸腦軸的關鍵部分。
  6. Lactobacillus plantarum (3.3 Billion CFU) – Helps ensure the delivery of nutrients to your pet's cells and supports the health of the colon walls.
    Lactobacillus plantarum(33億CFU)-有助於確保養分傳遞到寵物的細胞中,並支持結腸壁的健康。
  7. Bifidobacterium breve (3.3 Billion CFU) – As a vital colonizer of the GI tract, it helps restore the microbiome.
    Bifidobacterium breve(33億CFU)-作為腸道的重要菌群,有助於恢復腸道微生物群。
  8. Streptococcus thermophilus (3.3 Billion CFU) – One of the most potent and thoroughly researched probiotic strains that helps restore the microbiome and plays a key role in supporting a healthy colon, GI tract and immune system.
    Streptococcus thermophilus(33億CFU)-是最強效和深入研究的益生菌菌株之一,有助於恢復腸道微生物群,並在支持健康結腸、消化道和免疫系統方面發揮關鍵作用。
  9. Saccharomyces boulardii (3.3 Billion CFU) – This healthy, beneficial yeast acts as a very resistant probiotic that supports immune health, bowel health and digestion.
    Saccharomyces boulardii(33億CFU)-這種健康的有益酵母菌作為一種非常有抵抗力的益生菌,支持免疫健康、腸道健康和消化。
  10. Bifidobacterium animalis (3.3 Billion CFU) – Promotes optimal health and intestinal well-being. Plus, it is resistant to low pH and bile acids. May help prevent stress-related gastrointestinal upsets.
    Bifidobacterium animalis(33億CFU)-促進最佳健康和腸道健康。而且對低pH值和膽汁酸有抵抗力。可以幫助防止與壓力有關的腸胃不適。
  11. Enterococcus faecium (3.3 Billion CFU) – Promotes healthy stools in cats and dogs, and helps calm the signs of stress. Supports healthy immune function and microfloral balance in the gut, and promotes the growth of other good bacteria.
    Enterococcus faecium(33億CFU)-促進貓狗健康的排便,並有助於緩解壓力症狀。支持腸道健康的免疫功能和微生物平衡,並促進其他有益菌的生長。
  12. Lactobacillus rhamnosus (660 Million CFU) – Assists your pet's elimination and occasional intestinal discomfort by working to stabilize and restore her intestinal microflora. Also supports mood and behavior in pets.
    Lactobacillus rhamnosus(6.6億CFU)-通過穩定和恢復寵物的腸道微生物群,幫助寵物消除和時不時的腸道不適。也支持寵物的情緒和行為。
  13. Lactobacillus bulgaricus (660 Million CFU) – Works with other Lactobacillus strains to provide your pet with a potential source of dietary antioxidants.
    Lactobacillus bulgaricus(6.6億CFU)-與其他乳酸菌菌株合作,為您的寵物提供潛在的膳食抗氧化劑來源。
  14. Bacillus coagulans (660 Million CFU) – Helps restore the balance of beneficial bacteria in the intestine.
    Bacillus coagulans(6.6億CFU)-有助於恢復腸道內有益細菌的平衡。



How Complete Probiotics Compares to All the Others

Bark & Whiskers™ 完整益生菌與其他產品的比較


Bark & Whiskers™ Complete Probiotics provides 38 billion bacterial “helpers” ready to support your pet's microbiome and promote a natural, healthy balance of bacteria to help maintain total body health.

Bark & Whiskers™ 完整益生菌提供 380億個益生菌,準備好支持您的寵物的微生物群,促進自然、健康的細菌平衡,以維持全身健康。

However, as you have seen, not all pet probiotics on the market meet the same stringent criteria.


Probiotic bacteria found in today's products vary significantly in composition, biological activity and portion. Plus, as you've learned, how a product is manufactured can have a huge impact on its potency and, therefore, effectiveness.


To summarize, here’s how Bark & Whiskers™ Complete Probiotics compares to other pet probiotic supplements on the market:

總括以下是 Bark & Whiskers™ 完整益生菌與市場上其他寵物益生菌補充劑的比較:


  • Instead of just one or a small handful of probiotic strains, your pet receives 14 different strains with proven value for cats and dogs.
  • You’re assured of getting a minimum of 38 Billion CFU in every scoop up until the expiration date printed on every package.
  • The probiotic strains are acid- and bile-resistant for optimal benefits.
  • It’s easy to store as the product does not require refrigeration or other special storage.
  • The formula delivers live, viable organisms and is manufactured to prevent heat, air and moisture damage.
  • It is manufactured in a facility certified to be in full compliance with GMP requirements.
  • Our formula has little to no flavor so acceptance shouldn’t be an issue with cats and dogs.



On the Path to Optimal Health With Complete Probiotics



In my opinion, Bark & Whiskers™ Complete Probiotics is one of the most comprehensive probiotic supplements available today for pets.

在我看來,Bark & Whiskers™ 完整益生菌是當今寵物最全面的益生菌補充劑之一。

Just to summarize all of its potential for your pet’s health, both physical and emotional, this unique formula can help support:



  • A healthy balance of gut bacteria by promoting the optimal environment for the growth of beneficial bacteria.
  • The production of enzymes and lactic acid for healthy digestive processes and colon pH balance.
  • Healthy, normal immune system function.
  • The production of important hormones that influence mood, such as serotonin, and B vitamins, especially folic acid, biotin and vitamin K.
  • Healthy, normal metabolism and detoxification processes.
  • Regularity and appropriate bowel transit time.

If your dog or cat isn’t already enjoying all the potential benefits that can come from a high-quality probiotic supplement, I invite you to try Bark & Whiskers™ Complete Probiotics, and see what a difference it can make in your pet’s well-being.

如果您的狗或貓還沒有享受高品質益生菌補充劑所能帶來的所有潛在好處,我建議您嘗試 Bark & Whiskers™ 完整益生菌,看看它能為您的寵物帶來多大的改變。

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