Dr. Mercola : Heart Health for Cats & Dogs (3.17oz / 90 scoops) [美國著名大廠直送,需預訂,預計14個工作天後到港]



Heart conditions have become a top concern among veterinarians, ranking as the most common cause of sudden death in cats and the number two cause of deaths among dogs. Hidden cardiovascular concerns can be present at birth or develop slowly as part of the normal aging process. 心臟疾病已成為獸醫的頭號關注疾病,是導致貓咪突然死亡的最常見原因,也是狗狗死亡的第二大原因。隱藏的心臟血管問題可能從出生時就存在,或者作為正常衰老過程中慢慢形成。 The good news is, you can take steps right now to help support your pet’s heart health. Make sure your pet is getting the heart-supporting active ingredients she needs by providing her with human-grade antioxidants, amino acids and other beneficial plant compounds that might not be present in sufficient quantities in her food. 好消息是,你現在可以採取措施來幫助強化你的寵物心臟健康。通過提供人類級別的抗氧化劑、氨基酸和其他有益的植物化合物,確保你的寵物獲得牠所需的強化心臟健康的活性成份,因為這些成份可能在牠的食物中沒有足夠的含量。 Heart Health for Cats & Dogs contains 12 active ingredients, including taurine, glycine and L-carnitine, in a pet-friendly organic cheddar cheese base to support cardiovascular health. This unique formula was designed to support optimal heart health in these groups of cats and dogs: 心臟健康貓狗配方含有12種活性成份,包括牛磺酸、甘氨酸和左旋肉鹼,以寵物喜愛的有機cheddar cheese為基礎,支持心血管健康。這種獨特的配方旨在支持強化下列貓狗的心臟健康: - High-risk breeds (start when your pet is still a kitten or puppy) 高風險品種(在你的寵物還是小貓小狗時開始) - Athletic and hard-working pets 經常運動和工作量大的寵物 - All cats and dogs over the age of 7 所有7歲以上的貓狗 - Any cat or dog with a heart health concern 任何有心臟健康問題的貓狗 - Any cat or dog eating kibble (and semi-moist pouched food) 任何食用乾糧(和半濕口袋食品)的貓狗 If your pet falls into one of these higher risk categories, act now to provide the cardiovascular support your cat or dog may need. Order Heart Health for Cats & Dogs today, and help your pet’s heart stay healthy so you can enjoy many happy years together. 如果你的寵物屬於上列這些高風險類別之一,現在就採取行動,為你的貓狗提供可能需要的心血管支持。立即訂購心臟健康貓狗配方,幫助你的寵物保持心臟健康,讓你們一起度過更多的快樂時光。





Help Protect Your Pet’s Heart Against the Potential Effects of Aging with Potent Antioxidants and Polyphenols




At A Glance

  • Heart Health for Cats & Dogs supports your cat or dog’s healthy heart function with active ingredients targeted to help promote optimal function throughout her life.
    Heart Health for Cats & Dogs配方含有以促進你的貓狗的心臟健康並在牠的整個生命中保持最佳功能為目標的活性成分。
  • Our original blend of 12 active ingredients includes antioxidants to fight free radical damage, amino acids for building healthy cells and promoting energy production, and other powerful polyphenols to support total heart health.
  • Heart Health for Cats & Dogs is especially recommended for breeds of cats and dogs at high risk for heart problems, pets over seven years of age, pets who live an athletic lifestyle and any cat or dog with a specific heart health concern.


When earthquakes started hitting Oklahoma in the early 2010s, it surprised a lot of people.



Prior to 2010, the state averaged less than two earthquakes per year, usually mild. But as the decade progressed, that number shot up to as many as 887 in one year – more than two per day


The state of Oklahoma knew it needed to do something to protect its public buildings, so it took two steps…



It identified the cause of the earthquakes – wastewater from oil and gas production was being pumped back into the ground, causing disturbance to the earth’s crust – and put restrictions on the practice.

其中個措施是確定了地震的原因 - 石油和天然氣生產的廢水被泵回地下,對地殼造成擾動 - 並對這一做法施加了限制。


It also surveyed its public buildings to determine what was needed to reinforce them, to reduce the likelihood of damage in the future.



A similar phenomenon has been happening with pets recently. Veterinarians have been seeing a rise in heart conditions among their patients – and it has them concerned.



Heart issues are now the most common cause of sudden death in cats and the number two cause of death in dogs.



Dogs as young as five years old can be affected, and reason for concern increases dramatically with an animal’s age. Up to 75% of senior dogs have some type of heart condition.



Some estimates put the percentage of cats in the U.S. with a heart condition at around 15%.



While finding the cause of the rise in heart issues isn’t as simple as finding the cause of the earthquakes in Oklahoma, vets have identified two major contributors: a pet’s diet and being overweight.



So, what can you do to help your pet stay healthy?



Like the builder who lays in earthquake protection, you can provide reinforcement to help protect your pet from possible future problems.



Let’s discuss the things you can do to help keep your pet healthy.





A Close-Up Look at Your Pet’s Heart



To understand how to keep your pet’s heart healthy, it’s important to know how her heart works, and how problems develop. From there, you can understand what is needed to give her the best support possible.



Cats’ and dogs’ hearts are divided into four functional parts. Those parts are the:



  • Heart muscle, which pumps blood throughout the body.
  • Heart valves, which direct blood flow in the proper direction.
  • Pericardium, the tough membrane that envelops and protects the heart.
  • Heart conducting system, which directs the electrical impulses that keep the heart beating in a coordinated manner.


Various heart conditions, either inherited or acquired, can affect any or all of these components.



Common heart concerns that can affect cats and dogs include:



  • Enlargement or thickening of the heart (this is the most common heart condition seen in cats).
  • Weakening of the heart muscle.
  • Buildup of scar tissue on the inner lining and muscle of the heart.
  • Deterioration of the valves (heart murmur), allowing the blood to leak backwards and increase the load on the heart; this can be genetic or acquired.
  • Circulatory or blood flow issues (common condition in dogs).


Many of the changes develop slowly, over months and years, with few outward signs of declining heart function.



While some heart concerns may be preventable, some aren’t. But, by supporting your pet’s heart health with smart lifestyle choices, you may be able to help slow the progression of changes and limit their long-term effects.




These Pets Are Most at Risk for Heart Conditions



Certain breeds are more susceptible to heart conditions at an earlier age, but the reality is that any dog or cat can experience changes that develop naturally with age.



With congenital heart conditions, genetics are mostly to blame. Inherited cardiac issues affect both small and large dog breeds. Several canine breeds more likely to be impacted by genetic heart conditions include:



  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
  • Dachshunds
  • Miniature and Toy Poodles
  • Doberman Pinschers
  • Boxers
  • Golden Retrievers
  • Miniature Schnauzers


A full 50% of Cavaliers have detectable heart issues by age five. Dobermans, especially males, should be screened twice yearly starting at age four for heart conditions. All of the breeds in the above list should be monitored closely for heart issues, starting at an early age.



Several breeds of cats are also genetically predisposed to heart conditions:



  • Maine Coon
  • American Shorthair
  • British Shorthair
  • Persians
  • Siamese


As you can see, some very popular cat breeds are included in this group. That may be why cats more than dogs tend to exhibit signs of heart conditions during their lifetimes.




The Hidden Heart Crisis in Cats


Because kitties are such masters at concealing health issues, a heart concern often remains hidden until it becomes a crisis. This shouldn’t come as a surprise. In the wild, any type of weakness makes an animal stand out to its predators.


On the outside, your cat may appear healthy. If a heart issue is brewing, you’re unlikely to know until he begins to show more advanced signs. All you may notice at first is a decreased appetite, or maybe he is sleeping or hiding more. Issues often arise around middle age.


So, what can you do to support your kitty’s heart health and function?


Most importantly, feed your cat a human-grade, meat-based diet, without grains and unnecessary carbohydrates.


While there are a multitude of reasons to feed meat and avoid carbs, one of the most important reasons lies in an essential amino acid that is crucial for heart health

儘管有許多原因要餵食肉類並避免碳水化合物,但其中最重要的原因之一在於氨基酸 - 一種對心臟健康至關重要的必需品......

Taurine. Critical not only for heart health, it also supports brain health, eye function, digestive health and nerve growth.


While most mammals are able to make their own taurine from other amino acids, a cat’s ability to do this is limited, so your cat requires large amounts of it in his diet. Fresh food diets rich in organ and muscle meats contain abundant, naturally occurring taurine.


While taurine is routinely added to commercial cat food, it’s not always in sufficient quantity to meet feline needs. Cats can easily become taurine deficient if they don’t get enough in their diets.


There are some types of cat food that, while they meet AAFCO nutritional requirements, are nonetheless low in taurine. These include dry kibble and semi-moist pouched food.


I strongly recommend that you avoid feeding your cat these types of foods. I also recommend providing extra taurine if your cat may be at risk for heart concerns.




What You Need to Know About the Link Between Diet and Heart Health


Researchers have made an interesting discovery in recent years – the canine cardiovascular system is very similar to the human cardiovascular system.


One area in which they are strikingly similar is the significant role diet plays in heart health.


For humans, processed junk food with excessive carbohydrates are a known factor for heart concern risk.


For dogs and cats, it’s not much different…


Biologically inappropriate, highly processed pet food with too many unnecessary carbs is the equivalent of junk food for your pet – and it may also raise her risk for heart issues.

含有過多不必要碳水化合物、高度加工的寵物食品於生物學上是不適宜的,等同於你寵物的垃圾食品 - 它也可能增加牠的心臟問題風險。

The sad truth is, far too many dogs and cats are eating a junk food diet their entire lives.


Most dry pet food, or kibble, is a blend of poor-quality meats, byproducts and feed-grade vitamins and minerals. In addition, most kibble contains high-glycemic, genetically engineered (GE) corn, wheat, rice or potato.


The pet food industry wants you to believe that carbohydrates are not only good for your pet but also that they’re an “essential nutrient.” Nothing could be further from the truth.


Grains and carbohydrates have no place in a carnivore’s diet – they weren’t designed to digest them, and they can cause unhealthy spikes in your pet’s insulin, glucagon and cortisol throughout the day.


Plus, if your pet is getting a significant amount of calories from carbs instead of from meat, it further lowers her intake of taurine.




Why Commercial Grain-Free Pet Food Isn’t a Better Option


Because a carnivore like your dog or cat has no dietary need for grains, and his digestive system can’t even handle them properly, it would be a better choice to feed him a grain-free diet, right?


Well, here’s what we’ve learned about commercial grain-free diets.


Twenty years ago, this option emerged as an alternative to the corn, rice and wheat that is widely used in pet foods.


Initially, some veterinarians thought the switch to grain-free might be a good thing. However, within a few years, they started noticing some troubling changes in their patients’ health.


Many pet owners don’t realize it, but grain-free processed food isn’t carbohydrate- or starch-free. In fact, grain-free pet foods are high in starch and some contain even more carbs than regular grain-based pet food.


Not only are veterinarians seeing weight gain and rising insulin levels in their patients consuming the alternative grain-free diets, but they are also seeing a rise in cardiac issues.


Whether they’re connected hasn’t been established. However, there is the potential that some of the ingredients in grain-free kibble may be creating dietary deficiencies – specifically in taurine and carnitine, two amino acids found primarily in muscle tissue.

它們是否有聯繫還有待確定。然而,無穀物糧中的一些成分可能正在導致缺乏營養 - 尤其係牛磺酸和肉鹼,這兩種氨基酸主要存在於肌肉組織中。

Some researchers think the high carbs in grain-free pet food may deplete taurine levels, or possibly make the nutrient less bioavailable or useable.


Plus, the high-heat extrusion process used to make kibble creates byproducts that can cause a chemical reaction between the amino acids and carbs in the food. This may degrade the taurine and alter your pet’s microbiome, or gut bacteria.




Two More Reasons Why Beans, Peas and Lentils Don’t Belong in Your Pet’s Food Bowl


 Up until 20 years ago, pet food included primarily rice, wheat or corn. With the advent of grain-free food, manufacturers started replacing the grains with peas, lentils, tapioca, garbanzos (chickpeas) and other beans, and white potatoes.


In essence, pet food became even more biologically inappropriate.

Not only are legumes and similar starches very high in carbohydrates, they’re added to pet food in place of meat to boost protein levels. However, peas, beans, lentils and white potatoes are not acceptable substitutes for meat.


They are missing the amino acids your pet needs for her cardiovascular health, putting her heart at risk.


That’s not the only problem… Grain-free foods contain anti-nutrients, such as lectins and phytates, that can interfere with the absorption of taurine and other important nutrients.


Another ingredient that shouldn’t be in your pet’s food is beet pulp. This unnecessary filler binds with bile acids in the small intestine, increasing their excretion. Because bile acids are needed to recycle taurine, beet pulp can lower your pet’s total body taurine levels.


In summary, there are three factors that make commercial grain-free diets inappropriate for your pet, and potentially put her heart health at risk:


  1. The high levels of starchy carbohydrates
  2. The low levels of high-quality protein
  3. The extreme high-heat processing methods used to create kibble and other commercial pet foods

The best food you can provide your pet is a fresh, nutritionally balanced, grain-free, species-appropriate diet. Fresh, living foods have an abundance of enzymes, fragile fatty acids, phytonutrients and amino acids that are lost with any type of processing.


Because taurine is so important for cats’ and dogs’ overall health, I recommend supplementing all pets with high-taurine foods or extra taurine, no matter what type of food you feed your pet.




The Key Role of Antioxidants – Like Sending in the Reinforcements to Help Support Your Pet’s Heart


The good news is that, in spite of rising trends, there are things you can do to support your pet’s optimal heart health as he ages.


One of the biggest factors affecting your pet’s cellular health at every level is oxidative stress caused by excess free radicals. Free radicals can cause damage to heart cells and tissues.


Here’s how it happens…


Unstable free radical molecules with uneven numbers of electrons travel around your pet's body seeking stable molecules to bond with. When a free radical finds a stable molecule, it is able to take that extra electron and stabilize itself.


However, in the process, it creates a new unstable molecule. As this process is repeated over and over, free radicals multiply, resulting in oxidative stress.


Antioxidants have a neutralizing effect on free radicals, so they help protect your pet’s heart and other organs from the oxidative stress that can lead to damage.


Feeding your pet antioxidants is like sending reinforcements into the battle against free radical damage.


Studies show that using a combination of antioxidant compounds with complementary effects is more effective at supporting heart health than using just a single antioxidant compound.


That awareness led me and my team to formulate Heart Health for Cats & Dogs, a unique blend of ingredients to support cardiovascular health. It includes:

這種意識促使我和我的團隊開發出了Heart Health for Cats & Dogs的配方,這是一種獨特的成分混合物,旨在支持心血管健康。它包括:

  • Antioxidants from multiple sources
  • Important amino acids, like taurine and carnitine
  • Other beneficial plant compounds

Let’s take a look at each of these ingredients…




12 Active Ingredients That Support Your Pet’s Heart Health – With Pet-Friendly Organic Cheddar Cheese

12種支持你寵物心臟健康的活性成份 - 配以寵物喜愛的有機車打芝士

Our Heart Health for Cats & Dogs contains human-grade antioxidants, amino acids and other beneficial ingredients that many dogs and cats need for cardiovascular health.

我們的 Heart Health for Cats & Dogs 含有人類級別的抗氧化劑、氨基酸和其他對許多狗和貓的心血管健康有益的成份。

  1. Rutin (from the flower bud of Sophora japonica, or Japanese Pagoda tree)
    A bioflavonoid, or plant pigment, with powerful antioxidant properties, yellow-colored rutin supports blood vessel health and blood circulation.
  2. Taurine
    An amino acid found primarily in muscle meat, concentrations are highest in your pet’s heart, muscles, brain and retina. The main source of taurine for your pet is her diet. Taurine supports cardiovascular, eye and immune health.
  3. Glycine
    This amino acid acts as a precursor for key antioxidants such as glutathione and creatine, and supports cardiovascular health and overall well-being of animals and humans.
  4. Organic Hawthorn Berry Fruit
    Acting as an antioxidant bioflavonoid, hawthorn supports optimal circulation to the ventricles of the heart. Multiple studies show it promotes exercise tolerance and supports overall cardiovascular health in dogs and cats.
  5. D-Ribose
    A sugar molecule that’s part of your pet’s DNA and an important component of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the cells’ primary energy source, D-ribose supports heart function and energy production in his heart muscle.
  6. Trimethylglycine (TMG)
    三甲基甘氨酸(TMG) (又稱為「甘氨酸甜菜鹼」)
    A plant compound also known as betaine, TMG may help your pet’s cells adapt to stress and support their energy production. TMG also supports healthy blood flow and blood vessel health.
  7. L-Carnitine
    Comprised of the amino acids lysine and methionine, L-carnitine is produced in your pet’s liver and kidneys and stored in heart, brain and skeletal muscle tissues. It plays a key role in fat metabolism, allowing fat to be utilized for energy production for heart function.
  8. Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) (from Decaffeinated Green Tea Leaf Extract)
    綠茶素 (RGCS)(從已去除咖啡因綠茶葉萃取物中提取)
    A polyphenolic component of green tea with the caffeine removed, EGCG offers powerful antioxidant benefits. It’s easily absorbed into all body tissues to support healthy cells.
  9. Pomegranate Fruit Extract
    This extract contains flavonoids, tannins and lignans, polyphenols with strong antioxidant and protective qualities to support your pet’s cell and gut health.
  10. d-Alpha Tocopherol (Vitamin E from non-GMO sunflower)
    The most active form of vitamin E, d-alpha tocopherol functions as a potent antioxidant that helps protect your pet’s heart cells and tissues against oxidative stress. Plus, it supports circulation and healthy red blood cell walls.
  11. Pine Bark Extract
    From the bark of Pinus radiata, this pine bark is rich in total phenols and naturally occurring chemicals called proanthocyanidins. The extract acts as a powerful antioxidant to support heart tissue and muscle health.
  12. Niacin
    菸鹼酸 (又稱維他命B3)
    Converted to the active form niacinamide by intestinal bacteria, niacin supports healthy blood levels of lipoproteins, such as LDL, and triglycerides.

All of these carefully selected ingredients work together to support your pet’s optimal heart function and overall cardiovascular health.

And to ensure your cat or dog will look forward to this exceptional Heart Health formula, we’ve blended the active ingredients into a delicious base of Certified Organic Cheddar Cheese powder.




Double the Impact – Ubiquinol and Heart Health for Cats & Dogs – The Perfect Combo for Ultimate Cardiovascular Support
成倍成效 - Ubiquinol and Heart Health for Cats & Dogs - 支持心臟血管的終極完美組合


I always recommend Ubiquinol, the reduced, active form of CoQ10, to support heart health in dogs and cats.

Dr Karen Becker 總是建議使用Ubiquinol,一種份量減少、活性形式的CoQ10,來支持貓狗的心臟健康。


Ubiquinol is a powerhouse, providing energy to the cells of every organ in the body, especially to the heart. It works as an antioxidant and provides powerful support for the cells’ mitochondria – the energy factories inside cells.
Ubiquinol 是一種強大的能量來源,為身體中每個器官的細胞提供能量,尤其是心臟。它作為一種抗氧化劑,為細胞粒線體 - 細胞內的能量工廠,提供強大的支持。


Our Ubiquinol for Cats & Dogs works synergistically with Heart Health, but in its own unique way.
Dr Mecola 的產品 Ubiquinol 與 Heart Health for Cats & Dogs 具有協同作用,但它們有各自獨特的作用方式。


While Ubiquinol provides support for the energy-producing mitochondria in your pet’s heart, Heart Health provides support for the heart muscle. It supports the electrical and physiological aspects of the heart muscle structure.
當 Ubiquinol 支持你寵物的心臟的能量產生粒線體,Heart Health for Cats & Dogs 則為心臟肌肉提供支持。它於電學和生理學上支持心臟肌肉結構。


I recommend Heart Health to support optimal heart health in all cats and dogs, but especially in these groups:
Dr Karen Becker 建議使用 Heart Health 來支持所有貓狗維持最佳的心臟健康,尤其是以下這些類別:


  • High-risk breeds (start when your pet is still a kitten or puppy)
  • Athletic and hard-working pets
  • All cats and dogs over the age of 7
  • Any cat or dog with a heart health concern
  • Any cat or dog eating kibble (and semi-moist pouched food)




Take an Important Step to Help Protect and Support Your Pet’s Heart Against the Effects of Aging


The good news is, you can provide your pet with targeted antioxidant support for his heart with our Heart Health for Cats & Dogs. An ounce of prevention now has the potential to reap significant benefits later, when your pet needs it the most.

好消息是,你可以使用 Dr Mercola 的 Heart Health for Cats & Dogs 為寵物提供針對性的抗氧化劑作用,保護其心臟健康。現在進行預防措施,將來在寵物最需要的時候,可以獲得顯著的好處。

Our unique blend of antioxidants, amino acids and other beneficial plant compounds supports the health of your pet’s entire cardiovascular system, whether he's a puppy or a senior.

Order Heart Health today, and for the ultimate in cardiac support, use it with Ubiquinol for Cats & Dogs. They’re designed to work together to provide your pet with support you can trust.
立即訂購 Heart Health,並與 Ubiquinol 一起使用,令心臟獲得終極支援。它們設計成一齊發揮作用,為你的寵物提供可靠的支持。

Give your pet Heart Health for Cats & Dogs, powerful heart health support so you can enjoy many happy years together.

