Dr. Mercola : Ubiquinol Liquid Pump for Cats & Dogs (1.45 Fl. oz / 179 pumps) [美國著名大廠直送,需預訂,預計14個工作天後到港]



Every cell and tissue in your pet’s body requires Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), a potent antioxidant naturally produced in your pet’s liver, for proper function and protection against damaging free radicals.你寵物身體中的每個細胞和組織都需要輔酶Q10 (CoQ10),這是一種強效抗氧化劑,由寵物的肝臟自然產生,用於正常功能和保護免受有害自由基的侵害。 While your pet’s body produces some CoQ10, many factors, such as diet and an increased stress load, can affect your pet’s ability to get enough. Plus, as dogs and cats age, their body’s ability to convert CoQ10 into the active form, ubiquinol, decreases. 雖然你寵物身體會產生一些CoQ10,但因為許多因素,例如飲食和壓力增加,都可能會影響你寵物獲得足夠的CoQ10。此外,隨著狗和貓的年齡增長,它們的身體將越來越難將CoQ10轉化為活性形式 - 泛醇。 Ubiquinol Liquid Pump for Cats & Dogs is a highly absorbable formula that is backed by a manufacturer with high-quality standard practices. Simple to use, it comes in a stay-fresh airless pump, so there are no messy, oily pills to cut open. Ubiquinol Liquid Pump for Cats & Dogs有被高度吸收的配方,並由擁有高質量標準的製造商製造。使用簡單,它採用真空泵保持新鮮,因此無需切開膠囊。 A high-quality source of reduced CoQ10, Ubiquinol for Cats & Dogs helps: 作為高質量的還原型CoQ10來源,Ubiquinol for Cats & Dogs有助於: - Boost energy and stamina. 提高能量和耐力。 - Support cardiovascular health. 支持心血管健康。 - Reduce normal signs of aging caused by oxidative stress. 減少因氧化壓力引起的正常衰老現象。 - Support healthy immune function. 支持健康的免疫功能。 - Support brain and nervous system health. 支持大腦和神經系統健康。 What pets are most likely to benefit from Ubiquinol for Cats & Dogs? We recommend it for all cats and dogs ages seven and older, athletic animals and any breed that can benefit from additional cardiovascular support. 邊D寵物最有可能從Ubiquinol for Cats & Dogs中受益?我們建議所有七歲及以上的貓狗,好動的和任何需要額外強化心血管的品種都可以使用。 Provide your pet with the cellular fuel and protection he needs for a long, healthy life, and order Ubiquinol for Cats & Dogs today. 為你的寵物提供所需的細胞燃料和保護,讓它過上長壽健康的生活,現在就訂購Ubiquinol for Cats & Dogs吧。




The Silent Deficiency That Can Rob Your Pet’s Heart, Brain and Cells of Energy – and Life


Your pet's body depends on this coenzyme to help tame free radicals, support heart health and supply energy to cells. Problem is, your pet's ability to make this crucial substance declines with age. It’s in your hands to make sure she has enough to fully support her cells, tissues and organs.




At A Glance

  • This coenzyme helps make energy for just about every cell, and without it, your pet’s cells, tissues and organs can’t function properly.
  • Ubiquinol Liquid Pump for Cats & Dogs is a non-synthetic formula in the reduced form that may be better absorbed than regular CoQ10 (ubiquinone).
    Ubiquinol Liquid Pump for Cats & Dogs 是一種還原形式的非合成配方,可能比常規CoQ10(泛醇)更易被吸收。
  • Our formula uses a revolutionary airless pump technology that locks out oxygen to help keep every last drop fresh, and eliminates the need to slice open messy capsules.


Your pet's body requires cellular energy to properly function. Not only does this energy keep your pet alive and active, but it also promotes health in many ways you can't see.

It’s usually apparent when your pet has plenty of energy. He has a hearty appetite, is eager to play and seems content.

Energy levels are closely linked to overall health. So, naturally, younger animals tend to be full of vitality and generally enjoy a high level of health.

But what about when your pet reaches ‘middle age’ and beyond, and begins showing signs of less youthful vigor or less-than-optimal health?

As your pet ages, she may even still appear full of vigor on the outside, but that can sometimes be deceiving. It’s not always easy to know what’s happening on the inside.


The most important question to ask is this: How do you know she has the necessary energy to optimally support her heart, brain, immune system and so much more?




A Hidden Source of Energy for Your Pet


There's a coenzyme that works in your pet's body that helps make energy for just about every cell. And the healthy function of not only every cell, but also every tissue and organ depend on it.

Just like with your own body, your pet's body requires this essential coenzyme – Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10 for short – to function properly.
就像你自己的身體一樣,寵物的身體需要這種必需的輔酶 - 輔酶Q10,簡稱CoQ10 - 來維持身體正常運作。

CoQ10 is a compound produced naturally in the liver, but you’ll find it at work deep down in the mitochondria – the cell's powerhouse.

Cells use CoQ10 to support their overall energy and healthy growth. But certain cells especially need it and are more likely to suffer from a shortage.

Heart, liver and muscle tissue contain more mitochondria per cell than other body parts, and, therefore, contain the most CoQ10.

So, heart, liver and muscle cells require high levels of CoQ10 and so do other cells with a fast turnover, like mouth tissue cells, intestinal mucosal cells and immune system cells.

Coenzyme Q10 offers wide-range support in your pet's body, including:

  • Contributing to healthy normal circulation.
  • Supporting cardiovascular health.
  • Maintaining healthy levels of oxygen in tissues.
  • Supporting strong, healthy muscles.
  • Promoting optimal immune function.
  • Supporting healthy gums.
  • Promoting optimal gastrointestinal health.




As a Potent Antioxidant, Coenzyme Q10 Fights Oxidative Stress and Cellular Aging


Another important role CoQ10 plays in your pet's body is that of an antioxidant, protecting cells, tissues and organs against oxidative stress.

Antioxidants fight damaging particles in the body known as free radicals. A certain amount of free radicals is always present, but when the number of free radicals increases, they can inflict a significant amount of damage.

Excess free radicals can change how genes express themselves and alter DNA. Plus, they can damage cell membranes, leading to oxidative stress and inflammation, which can contribute to cellular aging.

Stress, pollution and poor diet are just a few of the factors that increase the production of free radicals inside your pet’s body. So does normal, everyday cellular and metabolic activity.

Our pets already live way too short of lives. When you take steps to help control excess free radicals, you help your pet live the longest, healthiest life possible.

Your pet’s body needs abundant antioxidants to help combat all the everyday dietary and environmental stressors and to slow down the effects of excessive cellular aging – especially antioxidants that powerfully support the heart, liver, muscle and mouth tissues.

Antioxidants, including CoQ10, can potentially neutralize the effects of free radicals and help reduce or prevent some of the damage they cause. Plus, CoQ10 helps optimize the effectiveness of other antioxidants, too, like vitamin C.




Factors That Can Drain Your Pet's CoQ10 Levels


Just like with your own body, as your pet reaches middle age, his level of CoQ10 gradually diminishes. Your pet's ability to convert CoQ10 into its active form, ubiquinol, declines as well.
就像你自己的身體一樣,當你的寵物步入中年時,他的輔酶Q10水平會逐漸下降。寵物將輔酶Q10轉化為其活性形式 (泛醇) 的能力也會下降。

Certain conditions can affect your pet's ability to get enough ubiquinol, such as:

  • Increased stress load on his body.
  • Not enough CoQ10 in his diet.
  • Greater metabolic demand from cells and tissues.
  • A shortage of factors to convert CoQ10 into its active form, ubiquinol.
    轉化輔酶Q10為其活性形式 (泛醇) 的因素短缺。


You may be wondering if your pet can get CoQ10 from her diet. Food sources of CoQ10 include oily fish like mackerel, salmon and sardines, organ meats and whole grains.

But here's the challenge…

Even if your pet were to consume a diet high in these sources every day, she would still be faced with her body's age-related decreased ability to convert CoQ10 into the active form, ubiquinol.
即使你寵物每天攝取這些來源豐富的食物,但牠仍會面臨身體年齡相關令轉化輔酶Q10為其活性形式 (泛醇) 能力下降的問題。




How to Help Boost Declining CoQ10 Levels


Because of absorption and conversion issues that come with age, simply adding more food sources of CoQ10 into your pet's diet may not help him get the ubiquinol levels he needs for optimal health.

Instead, I advise pet parents to offer their companions a quality ubiquinol supplement.
相反,Dr. Karen 建議寵物主人為他們的寵物提供優質的泛醇補充劑。

CoQ10 supplements come in two forms: ubiquinone and ubiquinol.

Ubiquinol is a reduced form of CoQ10 and is the form I recommend for dogs and cats.


  • Studies show the reduced and non-oxidized form, ubiquinol, may be better absorbed than the non-reduced form, regular CoQ10 (ubiquinone).
    研究發現,以還原和非氧化形式呈現的泛醇(Ubiquinol)可能比非還原形式呈現的常規輔酶Q10 (泛醌 Ubiquinone) 更易被吸收。
  • Ubiquinol is especially beneficial for supporting heart muscle.
    泛醇(Ubiquinol) 尤其有助於支持心臟肌肉。
  • Your pet’s body can more easily – and more rapidly – absorb CoQ10 when it is in its active state, ubiquinol.
    當輔酶Q10處於其活性狀態 - 泛醇(Ubiquinol) ,你寵物的身體可以更容易地及更快地吸收輔酶Q10。
  • Ubiquinol offers a strong first stage defense against oxygen free radicals to optimally fight the normal signs of aging caused by oxidative stress.

Ubiquinol Liquid Pump for Cats & Dogs is a convenient way to provide your pet with the preferred, reduced form of CoQ10, ubiquinol.
Ubiquinol Liquid Pump for Cats & Dogs 提供了一種方便的方式去攝取優質的還原形式的輔酶Q10 - 泛醇(Ubiquinol)。

Unlike many other CoQ10 supplements on the market, our non-synthetic formula is highly-absorbable and easy to use.




Who May Benefit Most From Ubiquinol?


Which pets can potentially benefit from Ubiquinol for Cats & Dogs?
哪些寵物可能從Ubiquinol for Cats & Dogs中獲益?

  • Any breed of cat or dog that might be at increased risk for cardiac issues or who could use additional cardiovascular support
  • Large and giant breed puppies who might benefit from extra antioxidants like ubiquinol at an early age
    可能會從早期額外抗氧化劑(如泛醇 Ubiquinol)受益的大型和巨型品種的幼犬
  • All cats and dogs, age seven and older, to help minimize oxidative stress and support optimal health
  • Performance and athletic animals to support recovery from strenuous muscle use

All of these pets can likely benefit from a daily supplemental dose of Ubiquinol for Cats & Dogs to help increase their chances for a vibrantly healthy life.
所有這些寵物都有可能從每天補充 Ubiquinol for Cats & Dogs 中受益,以增加他們健康生活的可能性。

While all cats are at risk of developing heart issues, some breeds are at higher risk. These breeds include the Ragdoll (and related breeds), Maine Coon, Sphynx and Rex.

Many dog breeds are at higher risk for cardiac issues.

Depending on the specific heart concern, smaller breeds (under 40 pounds) most at risk include the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Boston Terrier, Chihuahua, Cocker Spaniel, English Bulldog, Fox Terrier, Miniature Schnauzer, Miniature and Toy Poodles, Pekingese, Pomeranian and Whippet.

Larger at-risk dogs include the Afghan Hound, Boxer, Dalmatian, Doberman Pinscher, Golden Retriever, Great Dane, Irish Wolfhound, Newfoundland, Saint Bernard and Scottish Deerhound.

For optimal heart benefits, it’s important to start supplementing with Ubiquinol for Cats & Dogs as early in life as possible, especially with higher risk breeds.
為了對心臟提供最佳效益,高風險品種最好從小開始使用 Ubiquinol for Cats & Dogs




What Can Ubiquinol Potentially Do For Your Pet?


When you give your pet the gift of Ubiquinol for Cats & Dogs, you may help:
當你為你的寵物提供 Ubiquinol for Cats & Dogs,這可能有助於:

  1. Optimize energy production for cells and bodily functions.
  • Help your pet live a more active, energetic life
  • Support optimal energy production
  • Promote healthy blood sugar levels already in the normal range
  1. Support optimal heart health.
  • Promote a strong cardiovascular system
  • Help maintain the critical energy level for your pet's most vital muscle – his heart.
  1. Protect cells against free radical damage.
  • Provide antioxidant support to help minimize oxidative stress to cells, tissues and organs
  • Help recharge other antioxidants to their optimal, active states
  1. Reduce the signs of normal cellular aging caused by oxidative stress.
  • Help restore youthful vigor in your mature pet
  • Support alertness and responsiveness to stimuli
  • Help maintain optimal health even as she ages
  1. Support optimal immune function.
  • Promote a healthy immune response to stress
  • Help defend against free radicals for optimal immune health
  1. Support optimal brain and nervous system function.
  • Help keep your pet's mind active and sharp
  • Help satisfy her brain's enormous energy demands

Let me ask you this... Doesn't it make sense to take a proactive stance now, while your pet is healthy?




Tips to Help Support Your Pet's Heart Health

  1. Help your pet maintain a healthy body weight by promoting regular aerobic exercise.
  2. Feed a high-quality, fresh food diet containing optimal protein levels and quality fats such as coconut and krill oils.
  3. Support your pet's dental health with regular veterinary checkups, frequent brushing and healthy chews (I recommend Healthy Pets Dental Bones)
  4. Ask your veterinarian about the proBNP blood test - a simple, fast blood test that can help you manage your pet's heart heath.
    向你的獸醫查詢心臟衰竭血液檢測 (proBNP blood test) - 這是一種簡單、快速的血液檢測,可以幫助你掌握寵物的心臟健康。





How Ubiquinol for Cats & Dogs Stands Apart From Other Formulas
Ubiquinol for Cats & Dogs的獨特優勢與其他配方不同之處


With Ubiquinol for Cats & Dogs, there are no messy, oily pills to cut open. Instead, we use a revolutionary airless pump technology.
使用 Ubiquinol for Cats & Dogs,您不需要切開膠囊,也不會有殘渣。相反,我們採用了革命性的真空泵技術,使用方便快捷:

A cinch to use, this airless pump technology:
這種真空泵技術使用起來非常簡單 :

  • Helps preserve the ubiquinol from oxygen intrusion, so it stays fresh to the last drop.
  • Offers no-fuss application with no tablets to crush or divide, or oily capsules to slice open. Best of all, there's no taste, so your pet won’t detect it.
  • Is quick and easy to use – simply press the pre-measured pump to deliver the correct dose according to your pet's weight.

One of the biggest problems with some other CoQ10 and ubiquinol products is that they can spoil easily and go rancid. A rancid oil can be even worse than no oil at all.

Thankfully, our unique airless technology prevents that from happening, so you can feel confident that your pet is receiving fresh ubiquinol all the way to the bottom of the container.

For effective delivery, CoQ10 and ubiquinol must be mixed into an oil. Our Ubiquinol is packed into health-supporting Medium Chain Triglycerides, or MCT Oil.

When I started researching ubiquinol supplements for pets, I was disappointed to discover so many low-quality CoQ10 products on the market.
當 Dr. Karen 開始為寵物研究泛醇補充劑時,她失望地發現市場上有許多低質量的CoQ10產品。

We truly believe we are working with one of the top CoQ10 and ubiquinol supplement manufacturers in the U.S. today.

The manufacturer of Ubiquinol for Cats & Dogs utilizes exceptionally high-quality standard practices. In fact, they actually follow strict human GMP standards in their manufacturing processes.
Ubiquinol for Cats & Dogs 的製造商遵循嚴格的人類GMP標準,採用高質量的標準製造。

Plus, they’ve been awarded and filed applications on at least 24 U.S. and international patents, including 10 for their ubiquinol manufacturing process.

You can’t be too careful when shopping for a quality ubiquinol product for your pet. Always insist that whichever product you buy, it is solidly backed by a manufacturer that utilizes the highest quality standards.

