Dr. Mercola : Whole Food Digestive Probiotic for Cats & Dogs (3.59oz) [美國著名大廠直送,需預訂,預計14個工作天後到港]



Whether you have a new puppy or kitten, a pet predisposed to certain issues, or a young pet with no serious health issues, ideally you want to do all you can to help them stay vibrantly healthy throughout life. 無論你係有一隻新嘅幼犬或幼貓、一隻容易有某啲健康問題嘅寵物,定係有一隻健康嘅年輕寵物,最理想係你會盡力幫助佢哋保持健康嘅生活。 You can do this by providing basic nutrients that aren’t typically available in commercially processed pet foods, such as extra probiotics, enzymes and superfoods. 你可以提供一啲基本營養,呢啲營養通常唔係商業加工寵物食品度面有嘅,例如多啲益生菌、酵素同超級食物。 Whole Food Digestive Probiotic for Cats & Dogs provides general nutritional maintenance support for your healthy pet’s immune health, digestion and gut health, normal cell growth and development, and overall vitality. Whole Food Digestive Probiotic for Cats & Dogs 可以為你健康嘅寵物提供綜合營養維護,支持他哋嘅免疫健康、消化同腸道健康、正常細胞生長同發育,以及整體健康。 This “all-in-one” nutritional supplement contains four key blends: 呢款「一站式」營養補充品包含四個主要配方: - Probiotic blend of eight valuable strains of gut-friendly probiotics to help promote a healthy nutritional balance of gastrointestinal bacteria for healthy normal immune function, digestion and utilization of nutrients 益生菌混合物:含有八種有益腸道細菌嘅益生菌,可以幫助促進消化系 統嘅細菌平衡,從而有助於維持健康正常嘅免疫功能、消化同營養吸收 - Digestive Enzyme blend from Papaya, Pineapple and Porcine Pancreas to help break down protein, fats, fiber and carbohydrates into usable components 消化酵素混合物:從木瓜、菠蘿同豬胰臟提取嘅消化酵素可以幫助分解 蛋白質、脂肪、纖維素和碳水化合物成為可用嘅成分 - Organic Superfood and Green Food blend, including an Organic Algae blend of Spirulina and Fermented Chlorella, Organic Broccoli Sprouts and Organic Turmeric Root to provide valuable nutritional antioxidant support for cellular, detox, gut, and immune health 有機超級食物同綠色食物混合物:包括有機藻類混合物(螺旋藻同發酵 綠藻)、有機西蘭花芽同有機薑黃根,可以提供有價值嘅營養抗氧化劑 支持細胞、排毒、腸道同免疫健康 - Organic Mushroom blend of highly-valued Reishi and Chaga mushrooms to help maintain your pet’s nutrition through healthy normal immune function, healthy blood flow and circulation, and a healthy liver 有機蘑菇混合物:含有高價值嘅靈芝同茶菇,可以幫助維持您寵物健康 正常嘅免疫功能、健康嘅血液循環同肝臟功能

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Discover the Simple Way to Help Maintain Your Pet’s Nutritional Health and Vitality


Most pet parents wish for nothing more than for their pet to live a long, healthy life. Because vitality is a lifelong process, being proactive and starting early can make a big difference in your pet’s success. Learn how this smart combo of probiotics, digestive enzymes and superfoods can help keep your pet nutritionally vibrant and healthy.




At a Glance


  • Commercially processed and even homemade diets can lack important nutrients that healthy young cats and dogs need for growth and maintenance of nutritional health.
  • Whole Food Digestive Probiotic for Cats & Dogs provides nutrient basics from four key blends: Probiotic blend, Digestive Enzyme blend, Organic Superfood and Green Food blend, and Organic Mushroom blend.
    Whole Food Digestive Probiotic for Cats & Dogs 提供來自四種主要混合物的營養基礎:益生菌混合物、消化酵素混合物、有機超級食物和綠色食物混合物以及有機蘑菇混合物。
  • Our formula includes 15 billion CFU from eight strains of beneficial bacteria per 1.7-gram scoop, specially designed for cats and dogs to support gut, immune and overall well-being.


Owners of healthy pets often ask me how they can help keep their pets healthy – without relying on an armload of supplements.
健康寵物的主人經常問Dr. Karen如何在不依賴大量補品的情況下幫助保持寵物的健康。


Maybe that includes you if you have a:

  • New puppy or kitten and want to give him a healthy start in life.
  • Young pet with no serious health issues, and you’d like to do all you can to help keep her that way.
  • Pet predisposed to certain issues, and you’d like to provide an extra nutritional boost to maintain his health.


Wanting to help maintain your pet’s good health is much different from providing targeted organ support, such as eye support or joint support for a pet who is aging or developing issues.

It’s like you taking a multivitamin to help fill in the gaps in your diet – or taking a probiotic supplement for your gut health.

You can reach for a pet multivitamin. There are plenty to choose from on the market today. However, many are of questionable quality and may not be designed for your pet’s specific size or age.

And if you’re not careful, multivitamins can raise your pet’s risk of a vitamin overdose.

There’s no question that the vast majority of pets can benefit from a widespread nutritional approach, including digestive support for gut health and immune support for overall well-being.

In just a minute, you’ll learn about a solution that fits the bill perfectly, but first, let’s take a look at why your pet might need anything extra in the first place.


Why Your Healthy Pet May Need Extra Enzymes, Probiotics and Superfoods


You have a wide choice of pet food options today, and some are better than others.

My favorite for real nutrition is a species-appropriate, balanced fresh food diet, either raw or lightly cooked.
Dr. Karen最喜愛嘅營養膳食必須係配合不同嘅品種,仲要係不論生食或輕微烹調都要包含均衡的新鮮食物

However, depending on the ingredients or recipe you use, a homemade diet can easily be deficient in important nutrients.

Even if you choose wholesome ingredients, they can be deficient in nutrients that you would normally expect to be there. Take chicken for example…

Chickens raised outdoors have plentiful amounts of vitamin D in their liver. Factory-farmed chickens who never set foot outdoors will likely be deficient. Today, more and more animals are raised in confined, indoor conditions.

Then, there’s the issue of nutrients.

Much of our food is grown in soil depleted of trace minerals and certain vitamins. When animals eat the crops grown in nutritionally deficient soil, they don’t get the micronutrients and minerals they need for good health.

So, if your pet eats food that is lacking necessary nutrients, it’s easy to see how he may be deficient as well.


The ‘Complete and Balanced’ Pet Food Myth

If you look at most pet food packages, you’ll see the words “Complete and Balanced.” Exactly what does that mean – and, even more importantly, can you believe it?

The Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) uses the words “Complete and Balanced” to describe the nutritional adequacy of a pet food. However, the Nutrient Profiles listed on the labels don’t always tell you the whole story…

There’s not a lot of solid science behind this statement. While it does provide minimum standards for the pet food industry, it doesn’t address the quality or source of ingredients, or how well your pet’s body will be able to digest and utilize the nutrients.

For example, an inexpensive pet food with a low percentage of protein in the form of rendered meat by-products and a high percentage of grains and starches could be certified as “complete and balanced.”

Compare that to a premium food made with human-grade ingredients and with optimal ratios of protein, fat and moisture. There’s simply no comparison in quality.

AAFCO’s “gold standard” of evaluating nutritional adequacy involves feeding trials that involve a six-month trial and as few as eight test subjects to determine if a formula can sustain life.

Surprisingly, only six of the eight animals need to finish the feeding trial, and if weight and certain basic blood tests (that don’t even measure blood nutrient levels) are normal, the food is certified to be “complete and balanced.”

These limited studies don’t provide very meaningful results. They do nothing to measure long-term nutrient deficiencies or the effects on longevity, reproduction or the health of offspring.

In other words, an animal only needs to survive (and some clearly don’t in these feeding trials) and do not thrive on a “complete and balanced” diet.

Unfortunately, you can’t always believe what you read on a label – especially about the food you trust for your pet’s nutrition.
不幸嘅係你唔能夠總係相信你在標籤上讀到嘅內容 - 尤其是關於你信任的寵物營養食品。




How to Get the Most for Your Money at Mealtime


It’s common knowledge that high-quality pet food costs more. Even brands that you might not consider top-notch can be pricy, especially if they contain special additives like probiotics, enzymes and extra nutrients.

My advice – and that of other holistic veterinarians – is this: If you can’t feed a species-appropriate diet made with fresh, whole food ingredients, choose a basic food with wholesome ingredients.
同其他整全獸醫師一樣,Dr. Karen的建議係:如果你無法餵飼新鮮、整全食材製成的適合物種的飲食,那麼就選擇一種含有健康成分的基本食物。

Forget the fancy additives, and add your own high-quality, human-grade supplements. In the long run, you’ll save money and your pet will end up with a healthier diet.

Not only do additives drive up the cost of the food, but they also increase the potential for unwanted chemical interactions. And they can shorten the shelf life of the packaged food.

With kibble, food makers assume it contains no micronutrients after processing. So, during the final stage of production, they add a nutrient mix along with a sprayed-on “palatability enhancer” or “topcoat” of fat, animal digest and other ingredients to make the food appetizing to dogs and cats.

This nutrient mix is typically an inexpensive, feed-grade (not human-grade) premix from China. And because it can contain metal oxides and sulfates that speed up the oxidation of fats, it can do more harm than good.

So, how can you improve the quality of your pet’s food?

I suggest adding human foods from your kitchen. Foods like eggs, meats, blueberries, sardines and leftover vegetables can dramatically improve the nutritional value of your pet’s food at little extra cost, especially if you’re already buying these foods.
Dr. Karen建議在飲食中添加來自你廚房的人類食品。蛋、肉、藍莓、沙丁魚和剩菜剩飯等食物可以大大提高寵物食品的營養價值,而且價格幾乎不增加,尤其如果你已經買咗這些食物。

And for added reassurance, I recommend adding probiotics, digestive enzymes and immune-promoting foods to help make sure your pet’s gut and immune system remain in top-notch condition.
為了進一步保證,Dr. Karen建議添加益生菌、消化酵素和增強免疫系統的食物,以確保你寵物的腸道和免疫系統保持最佳狀態。




4 Key Blends for Your Pet’s Total Nutritional Health


I’m often asked if it is really necessary to give dogs and cats a wide assortment of nutritional supplements. Many owners don’t believe their seemingly healthy young pets need them and, therefore, don’t buy them.
Dr. Karen 常常被問到是否真的有必要給狗和貓各種各樣的營養補充劑。許多主人不相信他們看似健康的年輕寵物需要這些補充劑,因此唔會諗住買。

Or maybe you do see the value in giving your pet nutritional supplements, but opening up four or five containers at mealtime can be time-consuming.

These are two keys reasons why I created Whole Food Digestive Probiotic for Cats & Dogs.
這正正係Dr. Karen 創造Whole Food Digestive Probiotic for Cats & Dogs 的兩個關鍵原因。

This “all-in-one” supplement is a cost-effective, light-duty formula that provides most of what your healthy pet may need in one product.

Whole Food Digestive Probiotic covers the nutrient basics for healthy pets with four key blends:
Whole Food Digestive Probiotic 包含以下四個為健康寵物提供營養基礎的關鍵混合物:

  • Probiotic blend of eight valuable strains of gut-healthy probiotics, including Enterococcus, Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus strains, especially selected for your pet’s gastrointestinal and immune nutritional health
  • Digestive Enzyme blend from Papaya, Pineapple and Porcine Pancreas to provide digestive support for any type of food you feed
  • 消化酵素混合物,來自木瓜、鳳梨和豬胰臟的消化酵素混合物,提供對消化任何類型的食物的支持。
  • Organic Superfood and Green Food blend, including Organic Algae Meal (a blend of Spirulina and Fermented Chlorella), Organic Broccoli Sprouts and Organic Turmeric for nutritional immune support and overall vitality
  • Organic Mushroom blend, including highly valued Reishi and Chaga mushrooms to provide nutrient antioxidants, polysaccharides, Beta-D-Glucans and other nutrients for immune system balance and healthy cell growth

Whole Food Digestive Probiotic provides general nutritional maintenance support for your healthy pet’s immune health, digestion and gut health, normal cell growth and development as well as overall vitality.
Whole Food Digestive Probiotic 為你寵物的免疫健康、消化和腸道健康、正常細胞生長和發育以及整體活力提供了一般營養、維護及支持。

Please note, if your pet is middle aged or older, she may need more than general health maintenance. Your pet may benefit from targeted organ and system support with our full-strength probiotic, digestive enzyme and immune support supplements.

Let’s take a closer look at each of the blends in this one-of-a-kind formula…




Support Your Pet’s Healthy Gut With Probiotics


Probiotics are live microorganisms that live in your pet’s gastrointestinal track as well as on her skin, lungs and other organs – even inside her nose and mouth.

When talking about bacteria, probiotics are considered “the good guys,” or beneficial bacteria.

For optimal health at any age, you pet needs the right balance of good to bad (or pathogenic) bacteria. A probiotic supplement can help achieve that balance.

Especially when diets are high in carbohydrates, such as with kibble and other carb-containing pet foods, the wrong type of bacteria can flourish, starting in your pet’s mouth.

Your pet has no nutritional requirement for carbs and starches, and they can be harmful to his teeth and gut. By adding probiotics, you can help promote a healthy balance of bacteria throughout your pet’s entire digestive tract, beginning with his mouth.

Our Whole Food Digestive Probiotic formula includes 15 billion CFU per 1.7-gram scoop from a blend of eight strains of beneficial bacteria specially designed for dogs and cats to nourish your pet’s gut and overall well-being.
我們的 Whole Food Digestive Probiotic 配方每匙 (1.7克) 含有150億個活菌萬單位(CFU),來自八種專為狗和貓而設計的有益細菌菌株的混合物,滋養你寵物的腸道和整體健康。

Probiotics support your pet’s total health, from head to tail. They’re important for her digestion and utilization of nutrients. And because 80% of your pet’s immune system resides in her gut, her immune system also benefits from the addition of probiotics.




Enzymes: Essential for More Than Just Digestion


When animals in the wild kill prey, they truly receive a “balanced and complete” meal.

They get everything they need to digest their food, absorb the nutrients and thrive. Above all, they receive live enzymes from their prey.

Enzymes are tiny protein molecules found in every living cell. They’re responsible for many activities beyond digesting food – they’re essential for energy production, detoxification and every metabolic process in your dog or cat’s body.

Here are just a few of the many benefits of enzymes:

  • Assist with the absorption of vitamins and minerals from food
  • Promote normal body weight without hunger cravings
  • Support immune health
  • Promote normal cell growth
  • Support healthy teeth and gums
  • Promote regularity and reduce occasional bloating and gas
  • Promotes healthy skin and coat
  • Supports energy production due to optimized nutrient absorption
  • Support normal detoxification processes

When provided with meals, digestive enzymes help break down protein, fats, fiber and carbohydrates into their usable components.

Between meals, enzymes aren’t needed for digesting food, so they can be used to promote all the other functions at the cellular levels, including immune health.

So, where does your pet get the enzymes she needs to optimal digestion and overall nutritional health? Your pet’s body is designed to get some of its enzymes from food.

However, here’s what you need to know about enzymes in pet food: Heating food over 110 to 115 degrees Fahrenheit destroys any valuable, live enzymes. That certainly includes commercially processed pet foods, especially kibble and canned foods, and may even include homemade food if you heat or cook the ingredients.

Unfortunately, because most dogs and cats live on processed diets devoid of enzymes – and they don’t regularly get to eat prey with guts – the vast majority of our pets are deficient in life-promoting enzymes.

Too few enzymes not only can affect your pet’s digestion and utilization of nutrients, but it can also impact immune health, cellular health, detoxification and so much more.




Superfood Must-Haves for Health and Well-Being


When I sat down to formulate Whole Food Digestive Probiotic, superfoods were on the top of my list. So, I turned to a few of my time-honored favorites as well as one relative newcomer that holds exciting potential for your pet’s health:
當Dr. Karen 開始研發Whole Food Digestive Probiotic,超級食物是她首要考慮的。因此,她選擇了一些她長期以來喜愛的食物,以及一種具有潛在健康效益而相對新穎的食物,對於你寵物的健康非常有幫助:

  1. Organic Algae Meal (Spirulina and Fermented Chlorella)
    I first learned about spirulina when I was a teenager working with a wildlife rehabilitator. Her success rate was double that of any other rehabilitator in the country. Her secret? The green superfood spirulina.
    Dr. Karen 第一次了解螺旋藻是在我十幾歲的時候,當時在一位野生動物復康治療師的指導下工作。她的成功率是全國任何其他復康治療師的兩倍。她的秘訣就是綠色超級食物螺旋藻。
    Spirulina contains one of the highest concentrations of nutrients of any plant, grain or herb. And it’s composed of easily absorbable nutrients – vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids, antioxidants and phytonutrients.
    螺旋藻含有所有植物、穀物或草藥中最高濃度的營養物質之一。而且它由易於吸收的營養物質組成 - 維他命、氨基酸、脂肪酸、抗氧化劑和植物營養素。
    This unique green food is the closest thing to a multivitamin of any food. Because it is so loaded with nutrients, it excels at nourishing your pet’s body if her diet is nutrient-deficient.
    I consider chlorella a near-perfect food, and when fermented, this normally difficult-to-digest food becomes digestible and available to your pet. The fermentation process helps to unlock chlorella’s nutritional bounty by breaking open its tough cell walls.
    A variety of fresh water green microalgae, chlorella boasts well-balanced ratios of proteins, nutrients, vitamins and minerals as well as a special type of growth factor – chlorella growth factor, which is rich in nucleic acids. As your pet ages, levels of nucleic acid in her body decline and can threaten her immune health.
    綠藻是一種多樣的淡水微藻,具有均衡的蛋白質、營養物質、維他命和礦物質比例,以及一種特殊的生長因子 - 綠藻生長因子,富含核酸。隨著寵物的年齡增長,體內的核酸水平下降,可能會威脅到寵物的免疫系統健康。
    Like spirulina, chlorella has abundant amounts of the natural detoxifier chlorophyll. I recommend using chlorella to support your pet’s detoxification processes to help her liver and kidneys clear away any buildups of pesticides, herbicides and other toxic substances.
    與螺旋藻一樣,綠藻中含有豐富的天然排毒劑葉綠素。Dr. Karen 建議使用綠藻來支持寵物的排毒過程,幫助肝臟和腎臟清除任何積聚的殺蟲劑、除草劑和其他有害物質。
  2. Organic Broccoli Sprouts
    You already know sprouts offer excellent nutrient potential for you, but did you know they’re equally as nutritious for your cat or dog?
    Broccoli sprouts contain high concentrations of two important antioxidants for cellular, detox, gut, joint and immune health: glucoraphanin and sulforaphane.
    These two potent antioxidants stand out for their long lifespans and ability to recycle and actively scavenge free radicals in your pet’s cells.
    Broccoli sprouts contain far more of these active compounds than regular broccoli. After three days of sprouting, broccoli sprouts contain 10 to 100 times the amount of glucoraphanin – the precursor to sulforaphane.
  3. Organic Turmeric Root
    Turmeric is the spice that gives curry its flavor, yet it’s been studied for years for its health benefits. In fact, it’s been the focus of over 6,000 studies.
    Along with its active compound, curcumin, turmeric offers a multiple of potential benefits for your pet’s nutrient health. It can help:
  • Promote a normal healthy inflammatory response.
  • Support normal healthy cell growth and development.
  • Maintain a healthy gut.
  • Support organ and tissue health.

As much as I value superfoods, I didn’t stop there… These next two ingredients are in a class of their own.
雖然我非常重視超級食物,但我並未就此停下... 下面嘅兩個成分就有佢哋獨特嘅特點。




Organic Mushrooms for Liver and Immune Health


A relative newcomer to the western world, the Chaga mushroom has been used for hundreds of years in Asia and Siberia.

The Chaga mushroom grows throughout the frigid forests in the Northern hemisphere, mostly on birch and other hardwood trees. It grows as a black protrusion from the bark, but inside, it is soft and rust-colored.

An antioxidant rock star, Chaga contains a wide variety of immune-supporting antioxidants, such as polysaccharides, Beta-Glucans, phytosterols, Superoxide Dismutase or SOD, and two components unique to Chaga: Betulin and Betulinic Acid.

These two triterpenes are found only in Chaga mushrooms and are a result of the symbiotic relationship between the Chaga and the birch trees on which they grow.

The better-known nutritional mushroom, Reishi, is considered to be the premier balancing herb in Traditional Chinese Practice. Reishi is valued for its ability to help regulate and fine-tune the immune system.

This means it can both support your pet’s immune function if it needs a helping hand and it can help normalize an out-of-control immune response, like what happens with allergies.

Together, Reishi and Chaga mushrooms can potentially help maintain your pet’s nutrition through:

  • Healthy normal immune function.
  • Healthy blood flow and circulation.
  • Optimal liver health.




Give Your Pet Her Best Chances of a Lifetime of Vibrant Health With Whole Food Digestive Probiotic
用 Whole Food Digestive Probiotic 去為你的寵物提供終身充滿活力健康的最佳機會


An “all-in-one” nutritional supplement, Whole Food Digestive Probiotic for Cats & Dogs covers all the basics for young, healthy pets – digestion, gut health, and immune health – with its four key blends:
Whole Food Digestive Probiotic for Cats & Dogs 是一種「一站式」營養補充品,為貓狗提供全方位的基本需求,包括消化、腸道健康和免疫健康,其中包含以下四種關鍵混合物:

  • Probiotic blend of eight valuable strains of gut-healthy probiotics
  • Digestive Enzyme blend from Papaya, Pineapple and Porcine Pancreas
  • Organic Superfood and Green Food blend, including Organic Algae (a blend of Spirulina and Fermented Chorella, Organic Broccoli Sprouts and Organic Turmeric
  • Organic Mushroom blend of highly valued Reishi and Chaga mushrooms

I know your pet’s health and well-being mean a lot to you. And I’m sure you appreciate the importance of getting him off to a healthy start as early as possible.
Dr. Karen 知道你非常關心寵物的健康和幸福。她相信你明白盡早為牠提供健康的開始有幾重要。

Unfortunately, you can’t depend on pet food makers to do the job for you. It’s up to you to make sure your pet receives everything he may need. And the sooner you start, the greater the potential benefits.

Why not act right now to help ensure your pet is on the road to a long, healthy life?


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