ThorneVet CurcuVET - SA50 / SA150 薑黃軟粒 (90 soft chews) [美國著名大廠直送,供貨情況請參閱商品介紹一欄]

Dosing Size



SA50 : 少量現貨 SA150 : 火速售罄,新貨10月中到港 ✅Meriva®係一種對人體有增強吸收效果嘅薑黃素配方。 ✅CurcuVET®係適用於寵物而同樣有良好吸收效果嘅薑黃素配方。 ✅寵物體內嘅細胞因子失衡可能導致關節同消化系統問題。 ✅薑黃素有助於維持細胞因子嘅健康平衡,同時保護消化系統、肝臟同 腎臟。 ✅薑黃素裡面嘅薑黃素類化合物有助於支持關節健康、肝臟健康、消化系統、眼睛同腎臟。 ✅CurcuVET係一種與磷脂複合嘅薑黃素植物體,有更好嘅吸收效果。 ✅磷脂可以將薑黃素帶過細胞膜,顯著提高吸收效果。 ✅CurcuVET相對於其他薑黃素產品,有更好嘅療效,而且劑量更小。 ✅CurcuVET因為與磷脂複合而有少少咖喱味。 ✅CurcuVET可以同處方藥物一齊使用,令細胞因子達到正常平衡嘅狀況。 ✅薑黃素可以保護消化系統、肝臟同腎臟免受處方藥物嘅副作用影響。 ✅CurcuVET有兩種劑量選擇:CurcuVET-SA50適合貓同小狗,CurcuVET-SA150適合中型或大型狗。巨型狗或馬可以使用Meriva膠囊。 Brief Introduction ✅Meriva® is a curcumin formulation with enhanced absorption in humans. ✅CurcuVET® is the same well-absorbed curcumin formula for pets. ✅Cytokine imbalance in companion animals can lead to joint problems and GI issues. ✅Curcumin helps maintain a healthy balance of cytokines and protects the GI tract, liver, and kidneys. ✅Curcuminoids in turmeric support joint health, liver health, GI tract, eyes, and kidneys. ✅CurcuVET is a curcumin phytosome complexed with phospholipids for superior absorption. ✅Phospholipids carry curcumin across cell membranes, increasing its absorption. ✅CurcuVET has better efficacy and requires smaller dosage compared to other curcumin products. ✅CurcuVET has minimal curry taste due to complexing with phospholipids. ✅CurcuVET can be used alongside prescription medications to achieve a normal cytokine balance. ✅Curcumin protects the GI tract, liver, and kidneys from the side effects of prescription medications. ✅CurcuVET comes in two dosing sizes: CurcuVET-SA50 for cats and small dogs, CurcuVET-SA150 for medium or large dogs. Giant-breed dogs or horses can use Meriva capsules. Directions for Use SA150 - Dogs : 1-3 soft chews per 75lb body weight daily 狗狗每 75lb 每日可食1-3粒 SA50 - Cats : 0.5-1 soft chew daily 貓貓每日可食 0.5-1 粒 - Dogs : 1-3 soft chews per 25lb body weight daily 狗狗每 25lb 每日可食1-3粒


細胞因子失衡 Cytokine Imbalance



Many of the health conditions that confront companion animals are associated with imbalances of cytokines in the body, the substances that are associated with inflammation.


動物同人類一樣,細胞因子失衡會影響關節,從而減低你狗狗的活力甚至連上樓梯都會出現困難。 細胞因子失衡也會導致腸胃健康問題,導致偶爾出現腹瀉等症狀,年紀大的貓貓亦很常出現同樣問題。

In animals, just as in humans, a cytokine imbalance can affect the joints, which can curb your dog’s enthusiasm for play or make it hard to get up the stairs. A cytokine imbalance can also result in GI problems, resulting in symptoms such as occasional diarrhea – a problem that is common in cats as they age.





What’s the Solution?



Curcumin is, in fact, a very effective solution that can not only help maintain a healthy balance of cytokines, it can also provide protection for a sensitive GI tract, as well as a sensitive liver and kidneys.


薑黃素 : 香料薑黃中的活性成分,使薑黃呈金黃色,已在多項臨床研究中證明可以支持狗和馬的關節健康。 大量研究還表明薑黃素對肝臟、胃腸道、眼睛和腎臟的支持。
Curcuminoids – the active ingredients in the spice turmeric that give turmeric its golden yellow color – have been shown in multiple clinical studies to support joint health in dogs and horses. Numerous research studies also demonstrate curcumin’s support for the liver, the GI tract, the eyes, and the kidneys.


薑黃素植物體 – CurcuVET – 提供卓越的吸收能力

A Curcumin Phytosome – CurcuVET – Provides Superior Absorption


儘管薑黃素因其健康益處而廣受讚譽,但薑黃素並不容易被吸; 因此,需要大量服用才能發揮其功效。

Although curcumin is widely acclaimed for its health benefits, curcumin is not very well absorbed; therefore, it needs to be taken in large quantities in order to achieve its benefit.


然市場上有很多薑黃素產品,但 CurcuVET 是獨一無二的,因為 CurcuVET 是薑黃素與磷脂複合物。

Although there are many curcumin products on the market, CurcuVET is unique because the curcumin in CurcuVET is complexed with phospholipids.


磷脂是大量存在於細胞膜中的物質。 透過一項專利的技術去將薑黃素與磷脂複合,使磷脂可以攜帶薑黃素穿過細胞膜。

Phospholipids are substances found in high amounts in the cell membrane. By complexing curcumin with phospholipids – which is a patented process – the phospholipids literally carry the curcumin across the cell membrane.


由於與磷脂結合,薑黃素的吸收顯著增加。 最近的一項研究發現,Meriva(給人類使用,與 CurcuVET 中的成分相同)的吸收率是非複合薑黃素的 29 倍。

As a result of being bound to phospholipids, the absorption of the curcumin is significantly increased. One recent study found that Meriva – the identical ingredient that’s in CurcuVET, but for humans – was absorbed 29 times better that non-complexed curcumin.


更好的吸收,當然會轉化為更好的功效! 此外,可以食更少嘅劑量但係唔會減少成效。

Better absorption, of course, translates into better efficacy! In addition, the effective dosage can be much smaller, which is no small advantage when you’re supplementing a pet.




CurcuVET 味道唔似咖喱

CurcuVET Does Not Taste Like Curry


雖然薑黃素使咖哩呈黃色,但它也提供了咖哩的一些味道。 就算你鍾意食咖哩,但我懷疑你隻貓貓或者狗狗係咪都鍾意食先? 將薑黃素與磷脂複合的好處之一是可以掩蓋咖哩味,因此CurcuVET只有極少的咖哩味。 好味D令貓貓或者狗狗更易接受。

Although curcumin is what provides the yellow color in curry, it also provides some of curry’s taste. While you might like curry, I doubt that it’s on the top of Fido’s list of favorites. One of the nice things about complexing curcumin with phospholipids is that the curry taste is masked, so there is only minimal curry taste associated with CurcuVET. Better taste translates into better compliance.





CurcuVET: It Has a Place Alongside a Prescription Medication


因為 CurcuVET 在幫助實現正常的細胞因子平衡方面具有強大的作用,這可能意味著您不必為貓的炎症性腸疾病 (IBD) 使用那麼多prednisone,而狗的關節炎或馬的蹄葉炎亦可減少使用 NSAID (外用非類固醇消炎藥) 使用非甾體抗炎藥(如保泰松)。

Because CurcuVET has a potent effect in helping to achieve a normal cytokine balance, it might mean you don’t have to use as much prednisone for inflammatory bowel disease in your cat, or an NSAID like phenylbutazone for arthritis in your dog or laminitis in your horse.


有時,極度疼痛或虛弱的情況肯定需要這些處方藥。 但即使這些藥物可以顯著緩解疼痛甚至可以挽救生命,但代價為同時會增加器官內的毒性和其他副作用。

There are certainly times when an acutely painful or debilitating situation will require these prescription medications. But even though these medications provide significant pain relief or can even be life-saving, their benefits can come at a cost of organ toxicity and other side effects.




眾所周知,NASID (外用非類固醇消炎藥) 可能會對腎臟和肝臟以及胃和腸的敏感內壁造成損害。

NSAIDs are known for their potential to cause damage to the kidneys and liver, as well as the sensitive lining of the stomach and intestines. 


然而,薑黃素除了對關節健康、肝臟健康、腎臟健康和胃腸道疾病有益外,還被證明可以保護胃腸道、肝臟和腎臟免受外用非類固醇消炎藥、抗生素、化療藥物、 和其他藥物的副作用影響。

Curcumin, however, in addition to its benefits for joint health, liver health, kidney health, and GI conditions, has also been shown to be protective of the GI tract, liver, and kidneys from the effects of NSAIDs, antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, and other medications.


因此,即使您的寵物確實需要處方藥,CurcuVET 也應被視為一種補充治療。

Therefore, even if your pet does need a prescription medication, CurcuVET should be considered as a complementary treatment.





CurcuVET: For Companion Animals of All Sizes



CurcuVET® comes in two convenient dosing sizes. CurcuVET-SA50 is provided in small capsules for cats and small dogs, while CurcuVET-SA150 is ideal for medium or large dogs. If you have a giant-breed dog or a horse, then we suggest using Meriva, from our human line, in either 250-mg or 500-mg capsules.




