Vet's Best Flea & Tick Home Spray 全天然防蜱蚤噴霧 32oz



Vet's Best Flea & Tick Home Spray 全天然防蜱蚤噴霧 32oz Vet's Best高效能嘅家庭安全配方使用經過認證嘅天然精油通過接觸殺死跳蚤、跳蚤卵同牛蜱。 - 成份為100% 經認證的天然精油和植物成分包括天然薄荷和丁香提取物 / 100% certified natural essential oils and plant-based ingredients like peppermint oil and eugenol (from clove plants). - 配方同時有驅蚊功效 / Formula repels mosquitoes too! - 通過接觸殺死跳蚤、跳蚤卵和牛蜱,不含刺激性化學物質 / Kills fleas, flea eggs and ticks by contact, without harsh chemicals - 可安全於寵物身上 (12 週或以上大嘅狗狗) 和屋企周圍 (適用於家具、床上用品、地毯、地板和窗簾等家居表面) 使用 / safe to use around pets and family, or on dogs and puppies 12 weeks or older, also great for home surfaces like furniture, bedding, carpets, flooring, and curtains – anywhere these pests may hide! - 舒緩狗狗因蚊叮蟲咬而做成的皮膚痕癢同時帶出清新氣味 / Soothes dog's skin to leave them comfortable and smelling fresh. - 美國製造 / Made in the USA Ingredients Peppermint oil : 0.3% Eugenol (from clove plants) : 0.7% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (plant derived) : 2.7% Inert ingredients (water, sodium benzoate) : 96.3%
