Dr. Mercola : Bark & Whiskers™ Immune Support (3.5oz / 60 scoops) [少量現貨]



Immune dysfunction is the single most common reason owners take their pets to the veterinarian. It may be because their immune systems are on overdrive, inflaming hidden allergies and itchy skin. Or their immune systems may be underperforming and exposing them to acute health challenges. 免疫功能失調是主人帶寵物去看獸醫的最普遍原因。這可能是因為牠們的免疫系統過度激活,引起隱藏的過敏和皮膚瘙癢。又或者牠們的免疫系統未能發揮應有作用,使牠們的健康受到挑戰。 The good news is, you can help restore immune balance in your pet and, by doing so, support vibrant health, and maybe, at the same time, reduce the number of unnecessary visits to your vet. 好消息係你可以幫助你的寵物恢復牠的免疫系統平衡,從而令其充滿活力,並希望減少睇獸醫的次數。 Bark & Whiskers™ Immune Support harmonizes immune function, boosts cell, tissue and organ repair to help slow cellular aging, supports liver and digestive health, helps restore a healthy gut microbiome and much more. This revolutionary formula supports your pet’s immune balance with a combination of four powerful ingredients: Bark & Whiskers™ Immune Support 可以調和免疫功能,增強細胞、組織和器官修復,有助減緩細胞老化,支持肝臟和消化健康,幫助恢復健康的腸道微生物群落等等。這種革命性的配方通過四種強大的成分結合,支持你的寵物免疫平衡: Arabinogalactan from Western larch trees, a prebiotic fiber that feeds friendly bacteria in your pet’s gut, supporting a healthy intestinal lining and a normal, healthy inflammatory response 阿拉伯半乳聚糖,來自西部落葉,是一種益生元纖維,可以餵養寵物腸道中的益菌,支持健康的腸道黏膜及對炎症作出正常和健康的反應。 Bovine Colostrum with standardized IgG (180 mg/serving) from American dairy cows not fed synthetic hormones or routine antibiotics, as it contains important immune factors, growth hormones and probiotics ​​採用美國乳牛提供的標準化的免疫球蛋白G(每份180毫克)的乳牛初乳,這些乳牛未曾被餵飼合成荷爾蒙或抗生素,同時乳牛初乳含有重要的免疫因子、生長荷爾蒙和益生菌。 Certified Organic Moringa leaf powder contains abundant vitamins and minerals as well as valuable antioxidants to promote a normal healthy inflammatory response 有機認證辣木粉含有豐富的維生素和礦物質,以及有寶貴的抗氧化劑,可以促進對炎症發出正常的健康反應。 Yeast Fermentate, grown, harvested and manufactured in the U.S. (contains no active yeast), promotes Natural Killer (NK) cell activity and antioxidant protection 酵母發酵產物(不含活性酵母),在美國生長、收成和製造,可以促進天然殺手 - 細胞活性和抗氧化的保護。 Bark & Whiskers™ Immune Support offers a convenient option for providing ideal immune support for dogs and cats, while avoiding the irritation of juggling multiple supplements. Bark & Whiskers™ Immune Support 提供了一種方便的選擇,為貓狗提供理想的支援免疫系統,同時避免了搭配多種補品帶來的煩惱。




Help Strengthen Your Pet’s Gut, Energize Her Immune Function and Curtail Needless Vet Visits



Do you spend far too much time – and money – at your veterinarian’s office? If so, it may be because your pet’s immune system is disordered. Perhaps her response is not strong enough to fend off invaders, or her system goes into overdrive with allergic reactions to every little thing. Now, there’s a way to help your pet achieve ideal immune balance for a healthy, vibrant life.




  • Bark & Whiskers™ Immune Support is a synergistic blend of active ingredients that promote balance in your pet’s immune response to allergens, helping him enjoy a healthy life.
    Bark & Whiskers™ Immune Support 是一種協同作用的活性成份混合物,可以促進寵物對過敏原的免疫反應保持平衡,幫助牠享受健康的生活。
  • This innovative formula features Arabinogalactan, Bovine Colostrum and an innovative Yeast Fermentate, delivering a wide array of powerful ingredients that help promote a healthy microbiome in your pet’s gut, an important part of his immune system.
    這種創新配方採用阿拉伯半乳聚糖、牛初乳和創新的酵母發酵產物,提供多種強效成份,有助於促進免疫系統的重要組成部份 - 寵物腸道的微生物群健康。
  • Bark & Whiskers™ Immune Support also includes the blockbuster superfood Moringa Oleifera, which is widely recognized for its extraordinary mineral content and helps support healthy normal blood sugar, inflammatory response and balanced immune function.
    Bark & Whiskers™ Immune Support 還包含了重量級超級食物辣木,廣泛被認為具有非凡的礦物質含量,有助於支持健康正常的血糖、炎症反應和平衡的免疫功能。


There is a well-known story in the Buddhist tradition about a lute player who was learning the art of meditation. After a while, he got discouraged with his practice and went to the Buddha to seek instruction.


“Think about your lute,” the Buddha said. “What happens when you string it too tightly?”


“The strings break,” said the lute player.


“And too loosely?”

“It can’t produce any sound.”

“Yes,” explained the Buddha. “A string needs to be balanced between tight and loose to produce beautiful sound. That is how to practice – not to tight and not too loose.”

"無錯。"佛祖解釋道,"琴弦需要在緊和鬆之間平衡才能發出動聽的聲音。這就是修行的方法 - 既不要太緊也不要太鬆。"

The same is true for the immune system of a dog or cat. If it is wound too tight – overactive – it will produce symptoms such as allergies and painful, itchy skin. If it is wound too loose – underactive – it will leave your pet vulnerable to repeated health challenges.

對於狗或貓的免疫系統也是一樣的道理。如果它過於緊張 - 過度活躍 - 它會產生過敏和疼痛、發癢的皮膚等症狀。如果它太鬆弛 - 過度不活躍 - 它會讓你的寵物容易發生反覆的健康問題。

Too many pets face this very situation. Immune imbalance, which presents as immune dysfunction, is the single most common reason my patients visit me.


If this is happening with your pet, I have good news for you…


Your pet’s well-being doesn’t need to be ruled by a mixed-up immune system. You can help restore immune balance in your pet and support vibrant health.


Maybe you can even reduce the number of unnecessary visits to your vet, saving you time and money – and your pet needless stress.


While many herbs and nutrients may stimulate immune function, choosing the wrong ones can throw a pet suffering with allergies or autoimmune issues into a potentially dangerous tizzy. The last thing you want to do is stimulate an already confused immune system.


It’s important to be thoughtful and careful. It’s all about balance…





My 4-Point Approach for an Effective Immune Harmonizing Formula



If there’s one thing I’ve learned about immune function, it’s that it takes a delicate dance to get it just right.


As I just pointed out about Echinacea, while it is a well-known herb for immune support, it can be a catastrophic choice for the wrong pet – or wrong condition. And there are many other potentially problematic options, like Echinacea…

So, how do I choose what to use for my feline and canine patients? Here’s my 4-point criteria for picking the right substances to help balance immune function:


  1. Must be very safe and unable to do harm, no matter the condition
  2. Must support all conditions related to immune function
  3. Must encourage the immune system to behave normally
  4. Must have a balancing effect and be able to restore homeostasis

That’s a tall order, but it’s critical to meet every point.

Over the years, I have found four substances that stand out for their ability to promote immune balance, no matter whether the immune system is underactive or on overdrive. And the key is to combine these four together to create a synergistic formula that provides total immune balance.


All four of these ingredients have withstood the test of time in my practice. Some of them, as you’ll soon see, come with a treasure trove of exciting research, too.

Let’s take a look at the first of these four substances… a unique type of fiber from a tree.




Here’s How Natural Larch Tree Extract Supports Your Pet’s Cellular and Gut Health



A pet’s gut is full of beneficial bacteria that help him break down the food he eats so he can use it for energy and essential body functions. Keeping those bacteria healthy helps protect his health and vitality.


One of the best ways to do this is to provide food for the beneficial bacteria. Scientists call this food “prebiotics.”

Arabinogalactans are a special type of digestible, or soluble, fiber that act as prebiotics.

This fiber is found in many different vegetables and plants, but when doing studies, researchers prefer to use arabinogalactan from Western larch trees for two simple reasons:


It’s far more concentrated than food or herb-based sources, and it’s a natural extract, not a drug.


To get the same amount of arabinogalactan researchers have used in studies, your pet would need to eat the equivalent of a full pound of arabinogalactan-containing foods like carrots, corn and pears – something I clearly don’t recommend for dogs or cats.


There’s even more arabinogalactan in larch tree extract than highly prized shiitake mushrooms, another rich source.


Perhaps that’s why Native Americans have used bark from this unique deciduous conifer for hundreds of years…


So, what benefits can larch arabinogalactans potentially provide for your pet?


Once this prebiotic fiber enters your pet’s gut, it begins to ferment. This valuable fermentation process produces short-chain fatty acids that help:


  • Protect your pet’s intestinal lining.
  • Support colon health.
  • Promote a healthy normal inflammatory response.
  • Produce butyrate, a substance that promotes healthy cell growth.
  • Fuel the growth of beneficial probiotic bacteria.
  • Activate important immune cells – macrophages and natural killer (NK) cells.

Larch arabinogalactans can strengthen your pet’s foundation for health by encouraging the growth of the beneficial bacteria in his gut. But that’s not the only benefit larch extract can provide…




Pets Get Leaky Gut, Too, and Traditional Veterinary Treatments Can Make It Worse



Itchy skin and ears, and other allergic signs, are some of the most common complaints I hear from pet parents. Sadly, skin issues have even become a top reason for euthanizing dogs today.

Traditional veterinarians tend to look only on the surface – and treat accordingly.

I’ve learned to look much deeper…

The root cause of many allergy symptoms can be traced to your pet’s microbiome – the unique collection of bacteria that resides in her intestines.

A whopping 70% of your pet’s immune system lives in her gut. So, if your pet’s microbiome isn’t up to par, her immune health is likely to suffer.

That’s why traditional treatments often don’t work for these types of symptoms. In fact, many of these treatments are likely to make things worse, as they can damage or upset the delicate balance in your pet’s gut flora.

When your pet’s beneficial bacteria become unbalanced, dysbiosis and a condition called leaky gut can develop.

With leaky gut, the connections between the cells in your pet’s gut lining loosen. This creates openings that can allow rogue substances, toxins and undigested food to leak through and enter her bloodstream – something that is not supposed to happen.
漏腸症會使你寵物的腸道內層細胞之間的聯繫變得鬆散。這會創造出開口,允許異常的物質、毒素和未消化的食物滲漏進入血液循環系統 - 這是不應該發生的。

As these foreign invaders circulate in your pet’s body, her immune system can over-react, leading to inflammation, joint discomfort, a worsening of allergy symptoms and a host of health issues.

Larch arabinogalactans and the short-chain fatty acids they produce can play important roles in protecting the mucosal cells in your pet’s intestinal lining – helping to balance and vitalize the immune response throughout your pet’s body. Arabinogalactans are especially useful for immunodeficient animals.




The Perfect Food for Mammals – Not Only Newborns, but Cats and Dogs of All Ages


Within the first few hours of a baby mammal’s birth, its mother begins producing a special milk called colostrum.

Colostrum is a sort of super-concentrated milk. It provides vital nutrients like vitamins, electrolytes and the natural antibodies a baby mammal needs to support his not yet fully developed immune system.

It’s Mother Nature’s way of supplying what’s known as passive immunity to jump-start the newborn’s immature immune system…

However, researchers are discovering what Ayurvedic and other early practitioners have known for centuries:
然而,研究人員發現阿育吠陀 (來自五千年前印度的傳統醫學) 和其他早期從業者對這事實的認知已有數世紀之久:

Colostrum may provide important benefits for adult mammals too.

There are over 1,000 clinical studies documenting the potential benefits of colostrum – specifically bovine or cow colostrum.
有超過1,000篇臨床研究記錄了初乳的潛在好處 - 特別是乳牛初乳。

Why bovine colostrum? Researchers have found that:

  • It acts as a universal donor for all mammals, meaning it can potentially benefit humans as well as dogs and cats.
  • The immune and growth factors in cow’s colostrum are nearly identical to those in humans.
  • It is up to 100 or even 1000 times more potent than human colostrum, making it an outstanding choice for any mammal.

Even though colostrum is an animal product, I feel good about using it with my pet patients because I know that cows produce more colostrum than any other domestic animal, and it can be obtained in a humane manner.




7 Ways Bovine Colostrum Can Support Your Pet’s Immune System


Bovine colostrum can provide a multitude of benefits for your pet’s immune and gastrointestinal health.

Full of vitamins, minerals and special immune supporting proteins, it also strengthens your pet’s gut and helps build a healthy microbiome.

Here are just seven ways bovine colostrum can help your pet achieve better health:

  1. A hormone in colostrum called Proline-Rich Polypeptide (PRP) helps balance immune function – it can help support an under-active immune system or calm one that’s overly active.
  2. Containing important immune factors, like lactoferrin and immunoglobulins, including IgG, it supports the body’s protective functions against invaders and toxin buildup.
  3. Its growth ` helps boost cell, tissue, and organ repair to help reduce the signs of cellular aging.
  4. Loaded with nutrients that help seal the gastrointestinal tract lining.
  5. It contains probiotics, another important element in a healthy gut microbiome.
  6. Its cytokines promote healthy cellular growth and a healthy inflammatory response.
  7. Growth factors in colostrum promote healthy tissues and cellular repair.

Colostrum is full of nutrients with potential benefits for your dog or cat. Some of these nutritional factors are not produced by your pet’s body and must be provided through diet. These include 17 essential amino acids, glyconutrients that support white blood cell activity and essential fatty acids.

With the current state of commercial pet food, I highly recommend supplementing your pet’s diet with bovine colostrum. Even if you feed your pet a nutritionally balanced fresh food diet, she can still experience benefits from this exceptional nutritional supplement.

However, make sure it comes from healthy cows that are not fed synthetic hormones or routine antibiotics.




A Blockbuster Superfood: Moringa Oleifera is a Nutritional Goldmine for You and Your Pet
超級食品:辣木(Moringa Oleifera)對你同你嘅寵物來講係一個營養寶庫

Moringa is one of the hottest botanicals to hit the market in recent years.

Only it’s not new…

I’ve been using it extensively for years in dogs and cats. And it has a long, colorful history of use on two continents.

Native to Southern India and Northern Africa, Moringa Oleifera has been used by the local people for multiple health purposes, both for themselves and for their animals. A hearty and nourishing leafy green, they also use it for food.

Ayurveda practitioners list more than 300 different uses for Moringa, from supporting the immune system to promoting a healthy normal inflammatory response.

Most of all, Moringa is a bomb of a superfood. A true nutritional powerhouse, Moringa has:

  • Three times the beta carotene (vitamin A) of carrots.
  • Nine times the protein of yogurt.
  • 12 times the vitamin C of oranges.
  • 15 times the potassium of bananas.
  • 17 times the calcium of milk.
  • 26 times the iron of spinach.
  • 50 times the vitamin B2 of sardines.

Many parts of the Moringa, or Malunggay, tree are used, but its dried leaves offer the greatest value as a supplement. A rarity in the plant world, they contain complete proteins and more than 90 bioavailable nutrients and 46 antioxidants.

Because of Moringa’s potential for health, the National Geographic Society and the National Science Foundation are supporting on-going research into its traits and actions. In 2007, the National Institutes of Health recognized it as the Botanical of the Year.

Far from being just the latest nutritional fad, the World Health Organization (WHO) and European Union now plants and cultivates this exceptional tree in different locations, including Africa, in order to help combat malnutrition.

Moringa offers the same benefits for animals as it does for humans. Let’s take a look at what makes it potentially so valuable for your pet.




This Mineral-Rich Ingredient Delivers a Dynamic Variety of Benefits for Your Pet’s Immune Health


Moringa is a valuable whole food supplement because it’s exceptional at supporting immune function.

It’s a boon for pets consuming less than optimal nutrition, providing abundant nutrients to quickly boost cellular nutrition. And it’s a must for any pet coming from a shelter.

Because a dog or cat’s body views Moringa as food, it’s especially beneficial for sensitive patients who can’t tolerate other supplements.

In addition to its abundant vitamins and minerals, here are some other reasons I recommend Moringa for my pet patients:

  • Contains chlorogenic acid, which helps slow cells’ absorption of sugar and other beneficial plant compounds, like isothiocyanates, to promote healthy, normal blood sugar levels
  • Helps promote a healthy, balanced immune response
  • Its isothiocyanates, flavonoids and phenolic acids promote a normal healthy inflammatory response, helpful for flexible and comfortable joint movement
  • It supports cardiovascular health
  • May help support digestive and liver health

I’ve found Moringa to be one of the most diverse herbs on the planet. I highly recommend it for your pet for all-purpose immune support.
Dr. Karen 發現辣木係地球上最多元化嘅草藥之一,極力推薦你嘅寵物攝取,以支持全方位嘅免疫功能。




A Surprising Discovery – This Special Yeast Fermentate Offers Profound Support for Balancing Immune Function
驚人的發現 - 這種特殊的酵母發酵物對平衡免疫功能提供了奧妙的功能


You may know that I have a huge bias against yeast. I haven’t found any type of yeast to be good for animals.
你可能知道 Dr. Karen 以前對酵母有很大的偏見,因為她發現酵母對動物來說沒有任何好處。

That is, until I discovered Yeast Fermentate.

Several years ago, a very well-known producer of a yeast fermentate product contacted me. They wanted me to help prove to the world that it could offer immune-balancing benefits, especially to debilitated animals.
幾年前,一家非常著名的酵母發酵物生產商聯繫 Dr. Karen,他們希望 Dr. Karen 幫手證明它對免疫平衡的好處,特別是對於虛弱的動物。

In fact, they offered to ship me thousands of dollars of their product to use on some of my sickest animals.

Well, you can imagine my shock and disbelief when they told me it was a yeast product… I was very skeptical.

But they showed me their research and data, and I was convinced that it deserved a closer look, so I decided to give it a try.

First off, I found out that this product wasn’t new. It was developed over 60 years ago to help ease the weaning stress that pigs often encounter on farms and to help factory-farmed chickens and cows endure everyday stress.

What especially caught my attention during my research was that the people who worked with this yeast fermentate reported improved health.

The research was compelling and, ultimately, led me to feel comfortable trying this yeast product with my clients. Here’s what I found:

  • There were no negative immunologic effects, no yeast reactions – in fact, in my clinical experience, it actually helps support body defenses against yeast.
    沒有負面的免疫學影響,沒有酵母反應 - 實際上,在我的臨床經驗中,它實際上有助於支持身體對抗酵母的防禦。
  • It contained no gluten.
  • It helped promote a normal, healthy allergic response.

Most importantly, I learned that the fermentation process used to make this product cancels any of yeast’s potentially negative effects.


And it did an outstanding job of supporting balanced immune function in the animals studied – as well as my own patients.




Could This Special Yeast Fermentate Help Your Pet?


You’re probably wondering… what exactly is yeast fermentate?
你可能會問... 什麼是酵母發酵物呢?

The yeast fermentate I use is a concentrated formula, made in the U.S., of vitamins, minerals, polyphenols (antioxidants) and other natural ingredients.

It starts with baker’s yeast – a safe, natural organism that’s been used for many years to make breads, wine, and beer. Through an oxygen-rich process, the microorganisms multiply. The microorganisms are then put under stress to produce beneficial metabolites.
它以麵包酵母開始 - 一種安全、天然的微生物,已經用於製作麵包、葡萄酒和啤酒多年。通過富含氧氣的過程,微生物會增殖。然後這些微生物會受到壓力以產生有益的代謝物質。

The natural product that results contains a multitude of proteins, peptides, antioxidants and other nutritional compounds. It also contains wholesome beta glucans and mannans from the yeast cell wall.

In human research studies, this special yeast fermentate has been shown to help support immune function. It promotes Natural Killer (NK) cell activity and antioxidant protection within just hours of consumption.

Lab studies and a human clinical study also suggest yeast fermentate acts as a prebiotic, supporting the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

In pets, it may help increase serum IgA levels – an important antibody for supporting normal immune function.
對於寵物來說,它可能有助於增加血清 IgA 水平 - 這是支持正常免疫功能的重要抗體。

And this was the reason I continued to order the product after my initial stock ran out – it was one of the only things my IgA deficient patients responded to.
這也是我在初始庫存用盡後繼續訂購這種產品的原因之一 - 它是我缺乏IgA的患者反應最好的唯一物品之一。

Many animals are born with less-than-ideal immune function, and this natural immune support has been a godsend for these animals.

Plus, both cats and dogs like its mild flavor.

To summarize, my clinical experience shows yeast fermentate works like a super-multivitamin supplement for pets, and it may help:

  • Support your pet’s normal, healthy immune response.
  • Support digestive function and gut health.
  • Promote flexibility and comfortable movement.
  • Provide support for environmental allergies.
  • Support a normal, healthy inflammatory response.




A Revolutionary, Holistic, 4-in-1 Approach to Pet Immune Health


No one has ever combined these four immune balancing compounds before – Larch Arabinogalactan, ColostrumOrganic Moringa and Yeast Fermentate.
從未有人將這四種免疫平衡化合物結合在一起 - 阿拉伯半乳聚糖初乳有機辣木酵母發酵物

Each one is exceptional in its own right. For years, I sent clients home with all four products to help achieve immune balance and relieve their pet’s complaints.
每一種都有其獨特性。多年來,Dr. Karen 會給貓狗這四種產品,以幫助實現免疫平衡和舒緩寵物的不適。

But juggling four different supplements each day can be overwhelming, so Bark & Whiskers™ Immune Support combines all four into one convenient product for optimal immune balancing support.
但每天攜帶四種不同的補充劑可能會讓人感到困擾,因此 Bark & Whiskers™ Immune Support 將這四種產品結合成一種方便的產品,對支持免疫平衡的效果盡情發揮。

My team and I searched for the best forms we could find of these ingredients to make Bark & Whiskers™ Immune Support:
Dr. Karen 和她的團隊尋找了最好的配方,製作了 Bark & Whiskers™ Immune Support

  • Arabinogalactan from Western larch trees
  • Bovine Colostrum with standardized Ig (180 mg/serving) from American dairy cows not fed synthetic hormones or routine antibiotics
  • Certified Organic Moringa leaf powder
  • Yeast Fermentate grown, harvested and manufactured in the U.S.

With this unique combination, you now have an extraordinary 4-in-1 tool for helping your pet flourish with a healthy immune balance. This combination can help provide benefits for your pet that include:

  • Harmonize immune function due to both an under-active or overly active immune system
  • Support the body’s protective functions against invaders and toxin buildup
  • Boost cell, tissue and organ repair to help slow cellular aging
  • Seal your pet’s gastrointestinal tract lining to help prevent leaky gut
  • Nourish your pet’s gut and help restore a healthy gut microbiome
  • Promote healthy cellular growth
  • Support digestive and liver health
  • Promote flexibility and comfortable movement
  • Provide support for environmental allergies
  • Support a normal, healthy inflammatory response
  • Support healthy, normal blood sugar levels
  • Support cardiovascular health

If you were to buy all four of these ingredients separately, you’d pay significantly more.


Plus, you’d miss out on the convenience factor… with Bark & Whiskers™ Immune Support, you only need to open one container instead of four.
此外,你還會錯過方便性這個因素...而使用 Bark & Whiskers™ Immune Support,你只需要打開一個容器,而不是四個。




With This Carefully Designed Formula, You Can Give Your Pet the Gift of Exceptional Gut and Immune Support


Bark & Whiskers™ Immune Support isn’t just for weak or sick pets. Health is an on-going process, and every ounce of support you provide now can help you and your pet reap rewards later.
Bark & Whiskers™ Immune Support 不僅適用於身體虛弱或生病的寵物。健康是一個持續的過程,您現在提供的每一點支持都可以幫助您和您的寵物在以後獲得回報。

Imagine reducing the number of unnecessary trips to your vet’s office – now and in the future. The time and money you’ll save… The needless stress on your pet…

Bark & Whiskers™ Immune Support offers benefits for cats and dogs of all ages and breeds. However, here are some groups that may especially benefit:

Bark & Whiskers™ Immune Support 為所有年齡和品種的貓狗提供好處。然而,以下是一些可能特別受益:

  • Pets who were born immuno-deficient
  • Pets who might benefit from extra inflammatory support on an ongoing basis
  • Pets with a genetic disposition to certain conditions, including “runts” and “poor doers”
  • Pets who will be boarded or living in a different environment
  • Pets coming from foster homes or shelters
  • Pets exposed to other animals in dog parks and other public areas
  • Pets eating a processed, commercially prepared diet
  • Pets facing a stressful experience, such as house guests and travel
